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Presented to both Houses of the General Assembly by command of Hit Excellency.


K. . Date. Writer and Subject. tm 1 Aug. 6, 1872 ... Mr. Webb to the Hon. J. Vogel. Enclosing copies of letters addressed to Mr. Roxburgh, relative to the contract made with the A.S.N. Co. Mr. Webb to the Hon. J. Vogel. Has not received time-table in connection with new Service. Has reason to believe Victorian Government will withdraw from joint contract Mr. Gray to Mr. Webb. Forwarding copy of desired time-table, and copy of Mail Agent's report as to the delaying of Mails ... ... ... ... «. Mr. Webb to the Hon. J. Vogel. As to proposed modification of existing time schedule Mr. Webb to the Hon. J. Vogel. Explaining that the unsatisfactory nature of service is due to circumstances entirely beyond his control. As to tho decision Government arrived at respecting the "Nevada" ... Tho Hon. J. Vogel to Messrs, Webb and Holladay. Contractors are responsible for the present unsatisfactory service, and that the contract has not been properly carried out Mr. Webb to the Hon. J. Vogel. As to the Victorian Government refusing to ratify joint contract. Will continue service under original contract Mr. Gray to Mr. Webb. Acknowledging No. 7 Mr. Driver to the Hon. J. Vogel. Is appointed Messrs. Webb and Holladay's Attorney Mr. Raymond to the Hon. J. Vogel. Messrs. Webb and Holladay have assigned contract Mr. Gray to Mr. Raymond. Acknowledges No. 10. For a copy of Deed of Incorporation under which contract assigned Mr. Raymond to the Hon. J. Vogel. As to thelatedeparturo of Mail steamer. " Dakota " has not yet arrived from New York Mr. Gray to Mr. Raymond. Acknowledges No. 12. Reasons urged for delays in service will be considered when adjustment of penalties takes place Mr. Raymond to the Hon. J. Vogel. Acknowledges Nos. 11 and 13 Mr. Raymond to the Hon. J. Vogel. English mails do not go forward by " Dakota," the " City of Brooklyn " having returned to Queenstowu disabled Mr. Raymond to the Hon. J. Vogel. English Mails leave San Francisco a week lato Mr. Gray, jun., to Mr. Raymond. For further explanation as to the delaying of the New Zealand English Mails in San Francisco Mr. Raymond to the Hon. J. Vogel. Mails are again late. " Moses Taylor," having been extensively repaired, connects with New Zealand steamer at Honolulu. Encloses a certificate of seaworthiness from the Inspector of Hulls Tho Agent-General to the Hon. the Colonial Secretary. Enclosing correspondence on the subject of an Imperial Subsidy to the San Francisco Service ... The Agent-General to the Hon. tho Colonial Secretary. Enclosing correspondence relative to the San Francisco Service ; being a continuation of that forwarded with No. 19. The Agent-General to the Hon. the Colonial Secretary. Forwarding copy of letter addressed to Lord Kimberley, and also copy of telegram addressed to Mr. Vogel at Sydney, relating to the San Francisco Service The Agent-General to the Hon. the Colonial Secretary. Enclosing further correspondence bearing on the San Francisco Service... The Agent-General to the Hon. the Colonial Secretary. With copy of telegram sent by Lord Kimberley to the Governor of New South. Wales, re Mail Services The Hon. J. Vogel and the Hon. W. H. Reynolds to the Hon. the Colonial Secretary, New South Wales. Proposing that New South Wales co-operate with New Zealand in carrying out the Californian Service Tho Hon. Henry Parkes to the Hon. J. Vogel. Is prepared to discuss tho subject of a Californian Service Minute by tho Colonial Secretary, New South Wales, relative to the nature of the interview held between Messrs. Vogel and Reynolds and the members of the Government of New South Wales on the proposal made in No. 24 The Hon. Henry Parkes to the Hon. J. Vogel and the Hon. W. H. Reynolds. Declining to agree to proposals respecting the Californian Service The Hon. J. Vogel and the Hon. W. H. Reynolds to the Hon. the Colonial Secretary, New South Wales. Acknowledging No. 27, and asking that original proposal be reconsidered 2 Aug. 6, 1872 ... 8 Sept. 2G, 1872 ... 4 5 Aug. 6, 1872 ... Sept. 10, 1872 ... 2 8 6 Not. 23, 1872 ... 7 Sept. 10, 1872 ... 5 8 !) 10 11 Nov. 23, 1872 ... Sept. 19, 1872 .. Oct. 26, 1872 ... Dec. 24, 1872 ... 6 6 7 7 12 Not. 9, 1872 ... 7 7 IIS Dec. 27, 1872 ... 8 8 u L6 Mar. 4, 1873 ... Dec. 6, 1872 ... 16 17 Jan. 8, 1873 ... Mar. 14, 1873 ... 8 8 9 18 Feb. 5, 1873 ... Dec. 12, 1872 ... 9 19 10 20 Jan. 9, 1873 ... 12 21 Jan. 24, 1873 ... U Feb. 6, 1873 ... 18 U 23 Feb. 6, 1873 ... 11 M Jan. 30, 1873 ... 23 Feb. 17, 1873 ... it 15 as 15 27 Feb. 22, 1873 ... 1G 2S Feb. 22, 1873 ... 17