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SCHEDULE of various offers made to the NEW ZEALAND GOVERNMENT for establishing TELEGRAPH COMMUNICATION between NEW ZEALAND and AUSTRALIA; also including one for further communication between QUEENSLAND and SINGAPORE.

(a) This is amount on which guarantee is to be given for lines between New Zealand and New South Wales, and Normantown and Singapore. The actual cost of the lines is computed by the manufacturers to so much exceed this that guarantee will only amount to 3 per cent, on capital required. (£) From subsequent unofficial information it appears this guarantee, if offer accepted, would be reduced to 5 per cent. (c) This liability means the amount guaranteed to be paid in the event of receipts only covering working expenses. Any excess of receipts over expenses to go in reduction of guarantee. (d) This amount is one-third of the total guarantee of £50,000 to be paid in equal proportions by the three Colonies of New South Wales, New Zealand, and Queensland. (c) Dielectric to consist of three coatings of gutta percha, weighing 132 lbs. per nautical mile. Total weight of core 232 lbs. per mile ; Or for increase of £6,000 in cost of total length, dielectric to weigh 142 lbs. per nautical mile, total weight of core 251 lbs. per nautical mile. The core iv either case to bo served with best jute yarn. The cable to consist of four sizes : heavy shore end, 10 miles, 13i tons per mile j light shore end, 10 miles, 0 tons per mile ; intermediate cable, 30 miles, 3 tons per mile ; main cable, 1,280 miles, If tons per mile. (/) Dielectric to consist of 250 lbs. per nautical mile. Copper conductor 200 lbs. per nautical mile.' Total length of core 200 lbs. per nautical mile. The electrical resistance of the gutta percha to be not less than 250,000,000 B.A. units per knot at a temperature of 75 Fahrenheit. Core to be Berved with jute yarn. Cable to consist of three classes : heavy shore end, 8 knots ; intermediate, 32 knots ; deep sea, 1,2G0 knots. By Authority: Geobge Didsbubt, Government Printer, Wellington. —1873 [Price Gd] 2—F. 2a.

Nai :es of Persons peo: 'OSING TO LAY C.\B: .k, axd Date of oifi;ii. Synopsis of Proposals. W. T. Henley, October, 1870. 3 ub tn arin e Telegraph Company, February, 1872. Siemens Brothers, July, 1872. C. Trotter and others, by their Attorney, A. Coote, October, 1872. Hon. R. Grrimstone and others, by their Attorney, A. Coote, February, 1873. Capital required or estimated cost of Cable £114,000 £350,000 £330,000 £450,000 £1,000,000 (a). Sato of Interest to be guaranteed Six per centum ... Six per centum (5) Six per eentum ... Six per centum ... Five per eentum. /eiigth of time Interest payable Twenty years Twenty-one years Not stated Fifty years Thirty-five years. 'otal liability of New Zealand in respect of guarantee (<■) £24,840 per annum £21,000 per annum £19,800 per annum £27,000 per annum £16,66G per annum. (d). Lnnual amount to be deducted for expenses before receipts pass in reduction of guarantee No limit stated ... £25,000 per annum No limit stated ... No limit stated ... £12,000 per annum. 'roportion of Profits to go to Government after paying guarantee Not stated Twenty - five per centum Twenty - five per centum. Not stated Tariff to be reduced when profits are more than ten per eentum. 'reposed Tariff To be agreed upon Not stated Is. per word Not stated 15s. for 20 words. Estimated length of Cable ... 1,380 miles 1,107 miles 1,330 miles Not stated Not stated. !lass of Cable Similar to British Indian Telegraph Company's Not stated See note (e) See note (/) To be approved of. 'oints of connection Cape Farewell and Sydney Capo Farewell and Sydney Cape Farewell and Sydney or future arrangement Not stated New Zealand and New South Wales, and Normantown and Singapore. ?ime required for laying Two and a half years from date of concession Within eighteen months Not stated Within 12 months or thereabouts Utmost possible expedition. 'ime guarantee to remain in force during period of interruption Thirty days To be agreed upon While in working order Not stated While in working order. 'ime to be allowed for repairs None stated To be agreed upon Reasonable time ... Not stated Four weeks in each year. Vhcn guarantee to ceaso After interruption of twelve months Communication failing altogether Communication failing altogether Not stated Communication permanently failing. Vhen Government have right to purchase Not stated At any time Not stated Not stated Not stated.