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D.—No. 1.


No. Date. Subject. Page, Aug. 30,1871... Regulations for nominated and assisted immigration to Otago have been issued. Arrangements to be made through the Provincial Agent in Scotland, for introduction of 1,950 immigrants ... ... ... ■■■ ... ... Forwarding correspondence relative to location of Scandinavian and Western Highland special settlements in Seventy-Mile Bush and Ruataniwha Blocks Details of scheme for special settlements in above-named blocks. Mr. Friberg will be sent home to assist the Agent-General Correspondence relating to appointment of Mr. B. E. Friberg as Immigration Agent, to assist in promotion of Scandinavian immigration generally Messrs. Birch and Seaton have been appointed in terms of recommendation of Superintendent and Provincial Council of Otago relative to a perambulating Home Agency, to give information respecting immigration Forwarding memorandum of plant, &c, to be purchased in England by Messrs. Brogden. The General Government having assumed entire control of immigration, the views of the Government are conveyed to the Agent-General. Remarks as to shipping arrangements. List of 8,000 immigrants to arrive during 1872 enclosed Immigration arrangements with Messrs. J. Brogden and Sons to be settled between members of that firm in England and the Agent-General. Draft of unexecuted agreement enclosed All Provincial Regulations for assisted and nominated immigration have been revoked. In future, the following will be rates for passages of nominated immigrants: —Adults, £5 ; children, half-price ; young single women, free It is important that orders for iron work should be shipped as soon as possible. List of orders, and extract from letter from Resident Minister, Middle Island, enclosed Government have guaranteed passages of Messrs. Birch and Seaton Copies of agreements with Messrs. J. Brogden and Sons for railway construction —1. Temporarily suspending Contract No. 2 ; 2. Providing for construction of lines of railway during the suspension of Contract No. 2. List of works to be undertaken under these contracts enclosed Acknowledging telegram announcing arrangements for Scandinavian emigration. Necessity for continuous flow of emigration, always imperative, is still more so in consequence of arrangements entered into with Messrs. Brogden ... Forwarding letter from Hon. Mr. Reeves, covering one from Mr. Coster and sundry Canterbury importers, relative to shipping monopoly Forwarding letters from His Honor the Superintendent of Otago, and Mr. Pearson, of Invercargill, relative to proposed settlement on Stewart's Island Forwarding Nominated Immigration Regulations. Success of the public works policy greatly depends on the arrival of a large number of immigrants Referring to previous memorandum stating it to be desirable that such shipping arrangements should be made as would prevent a monopoly by a single firm. Extracts from correspondence between Provincial Government, Canterbury, and Mr. Ottywell, are now enclosed Order from Resident Minister, Middle Island, for quantity of 30-lb. rails. An order for rails, &c, will also be sent from Auckland Mr. H. W. Farnall appointed Immigration Agent Order for railway plant sent by Hon. Minister for Public Works from Auckland. Specifications enclosed ... It is desirable that the immigrants sent out should be suitable for public works. Government have no advice of steps taken to approve the immigrants selected by Continental firms The General Government having taken over tho Kaipara Railway, plant, &c, will be shipped through Agent-General instead of Mr. Dunlop. Memorandum of transfer of Kaipara Railway enclosed It is proposed to introduce immigrants with small capital, say from £100 to £500, for whom land will be set apart on deferred payments (where necessary) It is desirable that the emigration from the United Kingdom should be as large, if not larger, than from Scandinavia. The terms for assisted passages at home should not be quite so liberal as those in force in the Colony Forwarding amended Regulations for Nominated Immigration ... Forwarding duplicates of five memoranda from the Resident Minister, Middle Island. Instructions relative to immigrants for Stewart's Island It is desirable that the Agent-General should forward full information relative to the class, numbers, date of sailing, and port of arrival, of immigrants expected this Beason Shipping arrangements. Letter from Mr. Murdoch, Managing Director, at Auckland, of the New Zealand Loan and Mercantile Agency Company (Limited) The Government express pleasure at receiving the details of the Agent-General's immigration arrangements, and recognize the many difficulties he has had to contend with The Government regret that there are difficulties in the way of the employment of Mr. Friberg as Immigration Agent in Scandinavia. No more agents will be sent to carry on immigration from foreign countries Suggesting improvements in certain clauses of contract for passages of immigrants with Messrs. Shaw, Saville, and Co. Letter from Rev. G. C. Cholmondeley enclosed Suggestions with reference to contract with Messrs. Louis Knorr and Co. for procuring and shipping from Hamburgh 2,000 Scandinavian emigrants While the Government is gratified to learn that the Agent-General has succeeded in causing a reduction in the cost of passages and freights to be made, it nevertheless regrets that, for the present at least, the Colony is in the power of a single firm ... ... Sept. 30,1871... 3 2 3 3 Oct. 28,1871 ... 4 Nov. 25,1871... 4 5 5 Nov. 25,1871... Nov. 25,1871... Nov. 25,1871... 6 7 6 7 Nov. 25,1871 ... Dec. 12,1871 ... 10 Dec. 21,1871 ... 12 10 12 13 11 12 Dec. 22,1871 ... Dec. 22,1871 ... 13 Dec. 23,1871 ... It Dec. 27,1871 ... 20 A& 15 16 Jan. 18,1872 ... 21 23 17 Jan. 20,1872 ... 28 18 Jan. 20,1872 ... Jan. 20,1872 ... 30 19 20 21 Jan. 25,1872 ... Jan. 23,1872 ... 31 31 32 22 Feb. 19,1872 ... 23 Feb. 19,1872 ... 35 24 Feb. 19,1872 ... 3G 3G 25 Feb. 19,1872 ... Mar. 16,1872 ... Mar. 16,1872... 37 37 26 27 38 28 May 13,1872... 39 29 May 13, 1872 ... 40 30 June 5, 1872 ... 41 31 June 5,1872 ... June 5, 1872 ... 41 32 41 33 June 6,1872 ... 44 31 June 6,1872 ... 41