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C—No. 4,

Enclosure in No. 23. Deed of Agreement. Whereas by "The East Coast Land Titles Investigation Act, 1867," it is provided that the Native Lands Court shall have power, within a district described in the Schedule to the said Act, to inquire into and determine the titles to all and any land or lands whether claimed by or belonging to aboriginal natives or other British subjects, and whether or not such investigation shall be required on the part of any person or persons claiming title thereto, and further to ascertain and certify what lands are, or but for participation in the rebellion would have been, the property of persons who have been engaged in the rebellion; and whereas by the said Act it is further provided that such last-mentioned land shall from the date of the certificate of the said Court be and bo deemed to be land of the Crown, discharged of any right, title, or claim by any person other than Her Majesty, her heirs and successors : and further, by an agreement dated sth April, 1867, made between Reginald Newton Biggs, Esquire, a Justice of the Peace of the Colony, on behalf of Her Majesty, on the one part, and Chief's and Natives of the Wairoa District, on the other part, having claims or rights within the district described in the Schedule aforesaid: Witnesseth, that, in consideration of the said rights and claims, and of the loyalty and good service of the said Chiefs and Natives during the insurrection on the East Coast, and of the covenant hereinafter contained, on their part, and in order to consolidate the claims of Her Majesty under the said Act, and of the several hapus to which the said Chiefs and Natives belong, the said Eeginald Biggs did agree to withdraw all the claims of Her Majesty under the said Act so far as relating to that part of the land comprised in the said Schedule, saving and excepting certain lands more fully set forth and described in the following Schedule. Schedule of Lands. Commencing at the mouth of the Kauhauroa Stream, then up the river to its source ; then to the Mangapoiki to its junction with the Wairoa River ; thence down to the mouth of the Mangaaruho Stream ; thence up the Mangaaruhe to the mouth of the Mangakapua; thence to its source ; thence in a straight line to the junction of the Waikaretaheke with the Waiau; thence following the Waiau to its junction with the Wairoa; thence to the mouth of the Kauhauroa, the commencing part, as shown on the sketch map attached. Schedule of Lands retained by the Natives in accordance with this Agreement. Commencing at outlet of Mangaaruhe Stream into Wairoa Stream, up Wairoa River to Ruakituri, up that stream to Erepeti; thence to Waikaremoana Lake ; thence by east shore of said Lake to Panekiri; thence to Turi-o-hikatoia, on the Waiau River; thence down Waiau River to the mouth of Waikaretaheke Stream; thence in a straight line to source of Mangakapua, down said stream to Mangaaruhe, and down said stream to Wairoa River, the commencing part. And further, at a meeting of the loyal claimants of the said lands, and Samuel Locke, Justice of the Peace for the Colony of New Zealand, on behalf of Her Majesty, on the one part, and the Chiefs and Natives of the Wairoa District, on the other part, held at Wairoa, 2nd August, 1872, it was finally agreed on that all the lands included in the above-named Schedule should be retained by the abovenamed loyal Natives, saving and excepting two blocks to be retained by the Government, hereinafter described, and shown in the plan attached. Schedule of Land retained by Government. Ist. All that block of land on the Waikaretaheke Stream, at the crossing of the new road at the Kapani, containing fifty acres, more or less. 2nd. All that portion of land, situated at Waikaremoana, commencing at outlet of Lake Waikaremoana into Waikaretaheke, thence down that stream to where the stream issues from under ground, thence to Raekahu, thence to Rotokiri-o-Pakai, thence to summit of Panekiri, thence to the outlet of lake into Waikaretaheke, containing two hundred acres, more or less. It is further provided that the Government reserves the right to enter upon any portion of the whole block, as described in the schedule, for purposes of felling and removing such timber as ma)' hereafter be required for road, telegraph, or other purposes. With the above exceptions, the whole block described in the schedule above cited shall be conveyed to the loyal claimants under the following conditions : —The whole block shall be subdivided into several portions to the Natives mentioned in the following schedule hereunto attached. That the whole of the land shall be made inalienable, both as to sale and mortgage, and held in trust in the manner provided, or hereafter to be provided, by the General Assembly for Native lands held under trust. In witness whereof we hereby sign our names, this 6th day of August, 1872. Ihaka Whanga, Tiopira Kaukau, Hamana Tiakiwiai, Hori Pomana, Tamihana Huata, Ihakara Paemako, Ihakara Horaeata, Meiha Maaka, Hapimana Tunupaura, Te Pirihi Pata, Maraki Kohea, Ipora Apatu, Te Hemoata, Paraone Tukirikau, Wata Taiaroa, Ahipene Tamaitimate, Maihi Kaimoana, Te Makarini Te Wharehuia. Witness to Signatures— Frederick F. Ormond, R.M. Charles W. Ferris, Sub-Inspector, A.C.