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C—-No. 4


No. 10. Mr. G. B. WOBGAN to the Hon. D. McLeait. Sie, — Wellington, Ist January, 1872. In accordance with instructions conveyed to me in letter of 26th December, 1871, from tho Under Secretary, to the effect that I should make myself acquainted with the history of all transactions which have taken place in relation to the confiscated lands in the Province of Wellington, and in tho southern part of Taranaki, and in pursuance of verbal instructions from yourself, that I should furnish an ad interim report thereon, I have the honor to state that I have carefully read over such correspondence as bears upon the subject, and inspected the map, the record of the work actually performed towards carrying out the awards of the Compensation Courts, as indicated in the reports and correspondence at my disposal. I have also made copious notes for guidance and assistance in the settlement of outstanding questions relating thereto. In order to the furnishing of an exhaustive and at the same time popularly comprehensible report, each stage of the proceedings should be illustrated by a map, as for instance with — 1. First Proclamation of Confiscation, a map showing description and area of land contained within boundaries of district or districts confiscated. 2. Portions of said districts brought under the provisions of " The New Zealand Settlements Act, 1863." 3. Awards of Compensation Court, with work actually performed in carrying out such awards; as also the gift of 12,600 by the Governor, 6th July, 1867, to five hapus of the Ngatiruanui. &c, or other similar gifts, if any. 4. Showing the lands surveyed for military settlement, what portions have been appropriated, yet remain unappropriated, and what given to Natives. 5. The land remaining in the hands of the Government, with claims thereto made by loyal Natives since sittings of Compensation Courts, showing locality and extent of such claims, &e. Each division to be accompanied by full explanatory notes, and references to official data. Nest in order for consideration, are the steps to be taken to effect a settlement of these outstanding claims just alluded to. In reviewing this matter, regard must constantly be had to the Proclamation by the Governor, on the sth September, 1865, wherein after declaring certain districts as taken under the provisions of " The New Zealand Settlements Act, 1863," are promises exempting lands of loyal Natives from confiscation, excepting where the safety of the Colony required, and guarantees compensation for such lands if so taken. As the confiscation of the "West Coast lands, and the sittings of the Compensation

No. of Section on Stand. Map. Native Name (if any). Acreage. Remarks. Sections 6, 7, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22 Warewa Mokoia Taumaha Waokena Manawapou Reserve adjoining (No. 361) Taumaha PutaM ... Aika Section 117 Section 114 Sections 39 and 40 Ngamotu Te Ore Ore Herengawe Ihupuku 385 10,500 G, 000 ( 2,800) 400 310 127 400 330 52 51 62 65 29 37 200 Hone Pihama's Reserve. Pakakohi Tribe. Ngahuia. Mere Awatea, principal claimant. •Section 117 Section 114 Sections 39 and 40 Section 64 Section 45 Section 16 Total 21,748 Ieseryes. Additional Speciai i Natiye '. 1,000 10 50 2 400 On bank Patea Eiver, Whenuakura Block. Ditto. To Lucy Grrey. At Carlyle. Compensation awarded to Major Kemp in consideration of withdrawal of tribal claim over 16,000 acres of Waitotara Block. Total ... 1,462 Grand Total ... Acres. 23,210