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B.—No. 10.


LIABILITIES of previous Years charged on the CIVIL LIST FUND ACCOUNT, 1871-72.


First Division. Iembee op the Executive Councii : — P. D. Bell, 1 February to 30 June, 1871 £ s. d. £ s. d. 416 13 4 £ b. d. 416 13 4 Second Division. FaTIVE PUEPOSES :— The Assistant TJnder-Seeretary,— H. Halse, June, 1870 ... „ 1 July, 1870, to 30 June, 1871 ... 8 6 8 100 0 O Pensioners, — Auckland Wellington 108 6 8 222 10 0 63 10 0 286 0 0 Medical Officers, — Auckland Wellington ... Canterbury ... 75 0 0 68 15 0 2 18 145 16 8 Assessors, — Wellington 25 0 0 25 0 0 Miscellaneous 16 0 16 0 Less Credits —Befunds 566 9 4 22 2 0 544 7 4 Total Civil LiBt Fund Account £961 0 8 Treasury, 7th August, 1872. !. T. Batkin, Paymaster- General.

Fiest Division. Its Excellency the Goveenob, Sir G-. F. Bowen, G.C.M.G., 1 July, 1871, to 30 June, 1872 £ a. d. £ s. d. £ a. d. 4,600 0 0 'he Judges : — The Chief Justice, — Sir G. A. Arney, 1 July, 1871, to 30 June, 1872 ... The Puisne Judges,—A. J. Johnston, 1 July, 1871, to 30 June, 1872 C. W. Richmond „ „ H. B. Gresson ,, „ 11. S. Chapman ,, „ :.. 1,500 0 0 1,500 0 0 1,500 0 0 1,500 O 0 1,700 0 0 7,700 0 O 6,000 0 0 JSTABLISHMENT OS THE GeNEBAL GOVEENMENT : — The Premier, — W. Fox, 1 July, 1871, to 30 June, 1872 ... The Colonial Secretary,— W. Gisborne, 1 July, 1871, to 30 June, 1872 The Colonial Treasurer, — J. Vogel, 1 July, 1871, to 30 June, 1872 ... The Defence Minister, — D. McLean, half salary, 1 July, 1871, to 30 June, 1872 The Minister of Justice, — H. Sewell, 1 August, 1871, to 31 October, 1872 The Minister of Public Works, North Island,— J. D. Ormond, 6 December, 1871, to 29 February, 1872 The Resident Minister, Middle Island, — W. Eeeves, 27 November, 1871, to 30 June, 1872 ... 1,000 0 0 1,000 0 0 1,000 0 0 500 0 0 333 0 8 236 11 2 594 8 11 4,664 6 9 Carried forward