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B.—No. 2c.


By the Honorable D. Reid, 2nd October, 1872. Sir,— My predecessor in office having on a very recent occasion made a statement to the House, explanatory of the action taken during the past year to give effect to the decision of the Legislature, in regard to Public Works and Immigration, it will be unnecessary for me to detain the House at any length on this occasion, and I believe I shall be best consulting the convenience of honorable Members if I at once proceed to explain (which I shall endeavour to do in as clear and concise terms as possible) the position of the Colony with respect to the Loans raised for Public Works, the Contracts and Engagements already existing, and the estimated cost to complete the same. I shall also state what additional works we propose to commence and carry on during the current year. Honorable Members have been already informed by the Colonial Treasurer that it is the intention of the Government during the recess to carefully consider the whole question, in order to submit to the Legislature at its next Session a scheme having for its object the completion, as rapidly as circumstances will admit, of the works already authorized by Parliament, and the construction of such other works as it may from time to time appear expedient to undertake. The following are the Railway works already contracted for, the dates on which the contracts are to be completed, the estimated cost to complete the same, and the additional appropriation required in each case : —