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sewerage and drainage. The sum authorized to be raised is £35,000 in addition to the sums authorized to be raised by " The Municipal Corporations Act, 1867," and is to be borrowed on debentures secured on a special rate. No. 72. The Nelson City Loan Act. This Act authorizes the Superintendent of the Province of Nelson, within ten years from the passing of the Act, to raise a sum not exceeding £30,000 by debentures. The moneys borrowed are to be laid out in the construction of gasworks and the construction and extention of waterworks in the City of Nelson. These works are to be transferred to the Municipal Corporation of the City when established. No. 73. The City of Dunedin Borrowing Act. The Corporation of the City of Dunedin, in the Province of Otago, is by this Act invested with borrowing powers to enable them to acquire gas and waterworks. The amount authorized to be borrowed is £100,000, and is to be secured by debentures charged upon special rates, and the works which the Corporation are authorized to purchase. Power is given to existing Gas Company and Waterworks Company to sell their respective works, plant, &c, to the Corporation. No. 74. The Wellington Debts Act. This Act enables the Governor to appoint agents, with power to manage loan authorized by the Act. These agents may prescribe the mode and terms of payment. The sum to be raised is not to exceed £85,000, and is to be applied in payment of certain debts due by the Province of Wellington, and provision is made for charging the sums borrowed against the Province. No. 75. The Immigration and Public Works Act Amendment Act, passed to amend and extend the operation of an Act of 1870, intituled " The Immigration and Public Works Act, 1870." This Act is divided into several parts : — Part 11. contains general provisions relating to .Railways. Part 111. relates to the construction of Main Railways. Part IV. relates to construction of Coal Field Railways. Part V. relates to the construction of Tramways in certain cases. Part VI. provides for the assessment of compensation for land taken or injuriously affected. Part VII. contains provisions as to the form of conveyances to be taken and agreements for giving land for Railways. Part VIII. provides for aiding the development of Coal Mines and other undertakings. Part IX. amends and extends the provisions of the Act of 1870, as to Immigration. No. 76. The Railways Act provides for the construction of certain Railways and other works under the authority of the Immigration and Public Works Acts out of moneys authorized to be raised under "The Immigration and Public Works Loan Act, 1870." No. 77. The, Wellington Special Settlement Act. By this Act the Superintendent of the Province of Wellington, with the advice of his Executive Council, is empowered to set apart blocks of land for sale on deferred payments ; the mode and terms of sale are defined. The same authority may also set apart blocks of land for special settlement, and provision is made for giving effect to the Act. No. 78. The Public 'Revenues Act Amendment Act amends " The Public Revenues Act, 1867." The power of the Colonial Treasurer to borrow moneys during the recess of Parliament is extended, and provisions are made for the preparation of accounts between the Colony and the Provinces in the cases specified. No. 79. The Public Debts Sinking Fund Act Amendment Act amends the previous Acts relating to the Public Debts Sinking Funds. The Governor is empowered to revoke former Orders in Council made under the 2nd section of an Act passed in 1869. Trustees and other persons holding securities or concerned in the management thereof are brought under the operation of " The Public Debts Sinking Funds Act, 1868," and the Commissioners appointed under that Act are authorized to give discharges to trustees. No. 80. The Appropriation Act applies a sum of money out of the Consolidated Fund, and other moneys, to the service of the year ending 30th June, 1872, and appropriates the supplies granted in the then present Session of Parliament. Local and Personal Acts. No. 1. The Auckland Gas Company's Act, passed to authorize the Auckland Gas Company (Limited) to break up streets, &c, and to lay down pipes, conduits, and service pipes, and to make and construct other works for the purpose of supplying the City of Auckland and its vicinity with gas. The Act contains the general provisions usually inserted in such Acts. No. 2. The Nelson City Gas Act, a similar Act to the foregoing, and passed to enable the Superintendent of the Provifice of Nelson to construct works for supplying the City of Nelson with gas. No. 3. The Wellington Waterworks Act. This Act enables the Municipal Corporation to construct and maintain waterworks for supplying the City of Wellington with water. General powers are given for the levying of rates for the purpose of providing funds for carrying the Act into effect, and for the collection and payment of the same. The Act contains usual general powers to the Corporation to break up streets, &c, and powers are given to borrow any sum not exceeding £25,000 on the security of the rates authorized by the Act. No. 4. The Dunedin Waterworks Act Amendment Act amends " The Dunedin Waterworks Act, 1864," gives power to increase the capital of the Dunedin Waterworks Company to £65,000, and makes other provisions for the management of the Company.

No. 35. Copt of a DESPATCH from Governor Sir G. P. Bowen, G-.C.M.G., to the Right Hon. the Earl of Kimberlby. (No. 122.) Government House, Wellington, My Lord, — New Zealand, 20th December, 1871. I have the honor to transmit herewith a letter from the Speaker of the