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docks, subject to certain terms and conditions specified in the Act. Provision is also made for raising money by debentures to defray the cost of construction. The Act is not to come into operation until proclaimed by the Governor. No. 30. The Timaru and Gladstone Board of Works Amendment Act repeals the 9th section of " The Timaru and Gladstone Board of Works Amendment Act, 1870," and makes other provision in lieu thereof. No. 31. The Invercargill Public Gardens Reserves Alienation Act. This Act enables the Superintendent of the Province of Otago to alienate a portion of the Public Gardens Keserves in the Town of Invercargill, in that Province. No. 32. The Forest Trees Planting Encouragement Act. In order to encourage the planting of forest trees, the Governor is empowered, on the application of the Superintendent and Provincial Council of any Province, to bring this Act into operation in such Province, or in any district being part of such Province. Grants of land are authorized to be made to persons who have planted a certain area of land with forest trees, subject to the conditions in the Act mentioned. The Governor is empowered to make regulations, and the Act contains general provisions for giving effect to it when in operation. No. 33. The Bishops in New Zealand Trusts Act authorizes Bishops of the Church of England in New Zealand, by Letters Patent, to convey certain hereditaments to trustees to be appointed in that behalf in each diocese by the Synod of such diocese. The powers of the trustees are defined in a Schedule to the Act. No. 34. The Church Lands Building Leases Act amends " The Bishop of New Zealand Trusts Act, 1858," and a similar Act of 1868; also amends " The Beligious, Charitable, and Educational Trusts Act Amendment Act, 1865." Trustees of lands held under the recited Acts are empowered to grant leases for building purposes for any term not exceeding sixty years, subject to such conditions as shall be approved by the General Synod. No. 35. The Diseased Cattle Act repeals the former Acts for preventing the introduction or spread of disease among cattle, and new provision is made by this Act for that purpose. No. 36. The Agricultural Produce Lien Act, repeals a similar Act passed in 1870, but is substantially re-enacted with more extensive provisions. No. 37. The Wool and Oil Securities Act Amendment Act. This Act amends an Act passed in 1868, enabling proprietors of sheep and whaling stations to give security on future produce of wool, oil, or bone. The provisions of the former Act are considerably extended by this Act. No. 38. The Limited Liability Companies Winding-up Act Amendment Act, passed chiefly to effect alteration in the existing law relative to winding up of limited liability companies. Certain additional powers are conferred on Resident Magistrates, and other provisions made for simplifying the powers of winding up companies. No. 39. The Gold Mining Districts Act. This Act provides for the establishment and management of Gold Mining Districts, and for the administration of justice therein. The Act is very similar in its principal enactments to the existing Acts providing for the regulation and management of the gold fields ; and it is provided that wherever this Act shall be proclaimed to be in operation over lands already subject to the Gold Fields Acts, then those Acts shall be thereby repealed. No. 40. The Gold Mines Drainage Act. Provision is made by this Act for enforcing contribution towards the cost of draining gold mines. The Wardens' Courts are empowered to ascertain the amount of contribution to be paid, and to enforce payment. No. 41. The Sharebrolcers Act. By this Act, sharebrokers are required to take out an annual license and a fee is prescribed in respect thereof. The duties of sharebrokers in certain cases are specified, and the mode of conducting their business regulated. The Act is only to come into operation in, such parts of the Colony as the Governor shall proclaim. No. 42. The Justices Protection Act. This Act makes further provision for the protection of Justices of the Peace from vexatious actions for acts done by them in the execution of their office. No. 43. The Sheriff's Act Amendment Act renders unnecessary compliance with the provisions of 32 Geo. 11., cap. 28, sec. 1, by Sheriffs or other officers ; and peraons arrested may be committed to prison at once. Provision is made for cases of vacancy in the office of Sheriff. No. 44. The Juries Act permits the verdict of five-sixths of any jury empanelled in any civil cause to be taken, instead of a verdict of the whole jury; but no such verdict is to be taken till the jury have retired for six hours, and have intimated to the Judge that they have considered their verdict, and there is no probability of their being unanimous. No. 45. The Laiv Practitioners Act Amendment Act. This Act amends the existing law as to the admission of Barristers and Solicitors of the Supreme Court, and removes certain disabilities. Provision is made regulating application to the Court for exemption from the penalties of " The Law Practitioners Act Amendment Act, 1866," in certain cases. No. 46. The Prisoners Maintenance Expenses Act. This Act makes further provision for charging the expense of maintenance of prisoners detained in public gaols for punishment or safe custody. No. 47. The Naturalization Act 1870 Fees Act fixes the fees to be taken in New Zealand under the Imperial Act of 1870, called " The Naturalization Act, 1870." (33 Viet. cap. 14.) No. 48. Is an Act reserved for the signification of Her Majesty's assent. No. 49. The Crown Redress Act enables subjects to sue the Crown in certain cases which may arise after Ist January, 1872. Before action brought, the consent of the Governor in writing is to be obtained, and the Act prescribes the mode of procedure to be followed. The claims which may be allowed are only those founded on contract, but do not include actions for specific relief, nor for damages for the breach of any contract for the purchase of Crown lands. The Judges of the Supreme Court are empowered to make rules of practice, &c. No. 50. The Contractors Debts Act. This Act enables workmen employed on works over which a lien cannot bo acquired, and for which their employer has failed to pay them, to obtain payment from moneys due to their employer for the work they have done. The procedure to be adopted is detailed in the Act.