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Chief provisions of the Laiu previously in force on the subject. The previous law was contained in "The Licensing Act, 1863," amended at different times. This Ordinance provided for similar annual meetings for granting licenses. The hours within which liquor was to be sold, were from five in the morning to ten at night. At no time on Sunday nor at any time on Christmas Day, Good Friday, or any day appointed for a public fast except between the hours of one and seven in afternoons of these days. A similar power of extending the ordinary hours of sale was given as in existing Ordinance. Otago. General provisions of Provincial Ordinance regulating Sale of Spirituous and Fermented Liquors, Metail. " The Licensing Ordinance, 1865 " (Session XXI., No. 207), is the Ordinance at present in force in Otago. It has been amended by other Ordinances, but not in any important particulars. The Superintendent of the Province is empowered to define licensing districts. Quarterly licensing meetings are held in each district, presided over by the Justices of the Peace, who decide on the applications made to them for the granting or transfer of licenses. Power is given to any Justice of the Peace, Municipal Officer, or Chief Officer of Police, and to the owner or occupier of property in the neighbourhood for which such license is applied for, to object to the granting of a license to the applicant. The Justices are empowered to decide on the sufficiency of the grounds of objection. Provisions as to Sale of Liquors on Weeh-days and Sundays respectively. The hours within which liquor may be supplied or sold are— 1. Week-days. — Between the hours of six in the morning and ten at night of every working day, with, an exception where a " General Night License," enabling the holder to keep his house open till twelve at night, or where an extension of time has been granted by special permission, as provided, and except on Sundays. 2. Sundays. —No liquor is to be sold or supplied on Sundays, except to bond fide travellers or lodgers having a bed provided for them in the house. Chief provisions of the Law previously in force on the subject. " The Licensing Ordinance, 1864," was the Ordinance previously in force in Otago. "With respect to the sale of liquor on week-days and Sundays, it was similar in its provisions. Cantebbtjet. General provisions of Provincial Ordinance regulating Sale of [Spirituous and Fermented Liquors, Metail. " The Public House Ordinance, 1866," as amended by some subsequent Ordinances, now regulates the sale of intoxicating liquors in this Province. Provision is made for the holding of an annual licensing meeting, and also of quarterly licensing meetings, which are presided over by the Justices of the Peace. The majority of the Justices decide on applications made to them for the issue or transfer of licenses. Provisions as to Sale of Liquors on Week-days and Sundays respectively. 1. Weeh-days. —It is prohibited to sell or supply liquor, or suffer it to be drank in the house licensed, on any Sunday, Christmas Day, or Good Friday, or any other day between the hours of eleven at night and six in the morning. An exception is made in the case of bond fide lodgers having a bed provided for them in the house, and in the case of bond fide travellers having no residence within three miles of the house. Two Justices may on application extend the time for keeping the house open beyond eleven at night on the occasion of any public dinner or other festivity. 2. Sundays. —See above extract. Chief provisions of the Law previously in force on the subject. " The Public House Ordinance, 1863," was very similar in its provisions to the law now in force in the Province of Canterbury. The hours for the sale of liquors on Sundays and week-days were the same as in the present Ordinance.

No. 30. Copy of a DESPATCH from Governor Sir G. I\ Bowen, G.C.M.G., to the Right Hon. the Earl of Kjmbebxey. (No. 114.) Government House, "Wellington, My Lord, — New Zealand, 25th November, 1871. Adverting to your Lordship's Despatch No. 69, of the 12th September ultimo, on the subject of the selection of a station in New Zealand for the observation of the transit of Tenus in 1874, I have now the honor to transmit a Ministerial Memorandum, with other Papers. I have, &c, The Eight Hon. the Earl of Kimberley. G. ~E. BOWEN.

Memo, by Mr. Fox, 24th Not., 1871, with 4. ffub-encloßures.