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A.—No. 1.

No. 20. Copy of a DESPATCH from Governor Sir G. F. Bowen, G.C.M.G., to the Right Hon. the Earl of Kimberley. (No. 102.) Government House, Wellington, My Lord,— New Zealand, 28th October, 1871. I have little to add by the mail of this month (which will leave Wellington to-morrow) to the report contained in my Despatch No. 92, of the 30th September ultimo, respecting the proceedings of the Colonial Parliament, and the general progress of events in New Zealand. 2. I forward by this opportunity, under separate cover, further copies of the Hansard, and also several official Papers recently presented to the Parliament, and of which a schedule is annexed. 3. The present Session will probably end in about a fortnight from this date. At its close I will transmit copies of the Acts passed, together with the customary report on them. I have, &c, The Right Hon. the Earl of Kimberley. G. F. BOWEN.

Enclosure 1. N.Z. Hansard, Nog. 9 to 16. Enclosure 2. Schedule of Parliamentary Papers.

No. 21. Copy of a DESPATCH from Governor Sir G. F. Bowen, G.C.M.G., to the Bight Hon. the Earl of Kimberley. (No. 104.) Government House, Wellington, My Lord, —■ New Zealand, Bth November, 1871. In continuation of many previous Despatches forwarding Papers containing valuable information respecting New Zealand, I have now the honor to transmit herewith, under separate cover, three pamphlets recently published under the direction of Dr. Hector, F.R.S., the Director of the Colonial Museum. They (XL C* (1.) Reports of Geological Explorations during 1870-71. (2.) Meteorological Report for 1870. (3.) Catalogue of the Birds of New Zealand. 2. I would request your Lordship to cause some copies of the enclosed Papers to be sent to the Scientific Societies of London. Probably it would be well to communicate also to the Board of Trade a copy of the Meteorological Report. I have, &c, The Right Hon. the Earl of Kimberley. G. F. BOWEN.

No. 22. Copt of a DESPATCH from Governor Sir G. F. Bowen, G.C.M.G., to the Eight Hon. the Earl of Kimberley. (No. 105.) Government House, Wellington, My Lord, —■ ■ New Zealand, Bth November, 1871. Adverting to my Despatch No. 95, of the I'Tth October ultimo, and to the Report therewith forwarded, I am requested by my Responsible Advisers to transmit the enclosed Ministerial Memorandum, recommending that the term JPhormium may be adopted instead of New Zealand Flax, in the Commercial Statistics of the United Kingdom. I have, &c, The Eight Hon. the Earl of Kimberley. G. F. BOWEN.

Memo, by Mr. Grisborne, 4th Not., 1871.

Enclosure in No. 22. Memokahditm by Mr. Gisboene. His Excellency's attention is respectfully drawn to the concluding paragraph of the " Beport of the Commissioners appointed to inquire into the Preparation of the JPhormium Fibre, or New Zealand Max," in which the desirability of adopting the term Pliormiuni in preference to New Zealand Flax is suggested. The Government entirely concur in this suggestion, and have accordingly given instructions to the Customs officers throughout the Colony to cause this designation to be used in all Customs 5