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H.—No. 9.

The Committee to whom was referred the consideration of the Middle Island Native Affairs, have the honor to report that they have agreed to the following resolutions : ■ 1. That the evidence taken by the Committee in reference to the claims of the Natives of the Middle Island, though far from complete, leads them to the conclusion that these claims have not hitherto had that consideration which they deserve. 2. That the evidence in reference to the claims for the Princes Street Reserves convinces the Committee that this case has been hitherto dealt with rather on legal and technical than, as the Committee considers it should have been treated, in the interests of the Natives, with regard to the broader considerations of equity and good faith. 3. That, in the opinion of this Committee, a further inquiry should be instituted into the merits of these claims by an impartial Commission, such as that proposed in the Hawke's Bay Native Lands Alienation Commission Act, now before Parliament, which should act in such inquiry as a Court of equity and .good conscience. John Sheehan, 21st October, 1872. Chairman.

MINUTES OE PROCEEDINGS. Rbtuat, 20th September, 1872. The Committee met pursuant to notice. Present: Mr. McGlashan, Mr. Sheehan, Mr. McLean, Hon. E. W. Stafford, Mr. Macandrew, Mr. Taiaroa. Mr. Rolleston, The order of reference was read. On the motion of Mr. Rolleston, Mr. Sheehan was elected Chairman of the Committee. On motion of Mr. Rolleston it was agreed, That the following papers be laid before the Committee :— (a.) Papers relative to matters before Committee. (h.) Copy of Proceeding of the Native Lands Court in the Middle Island, (c.) Papers by A. Mackay bearing on the subject. (d.) Report on the Reserves in the Arahura District. On motion of Mr. Macandrew, agreed, That the letter of the Superintendent of Otago to the Governor and the Colonial Secretary relative to the Native Lands Court in Dunedin, be submitted to the Committee. On motion of Mr. Taiaroa, agreed, That a copy of order of reference of Ngaitahi Deed to the Native Land Court be produced. On motion of Mr. McLean, agreed, That copy of Major Heaphy's report, with all plans annexed showing position of Native Reserves in the Middle Island, be submitted to tho Committee. The Committee then adjourned until Tuesday next, at 11 a.m.

Tuesday, 24th September, 1872. The Committee met pursuant to notice. Present : Mr. Bunny, Hon. E. W. Stafford, Mr. McGlashan, Mr. Taiaroa. Mr. Rollcston, Mr. Sheehan, Chairman. The minutes of last meeting were read and confirmed. Mr. Taiaroa stated that in calling for this Committee he was actuated by the following reasons:—