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Extracts from the Journals of the Souse of Representatives. Tuesday, the 23rd day op July, 1872. Ordered, That a Select Committee be appointed to inquire into the administration of the Otago Waste Lands Act by the Waste Lands Board of the said Province, in selling largo blocks of land on the Cold Fields—to wit, 20,000 acres of land in the Teviot district, in the Province of Otago, to Messrs. Cargill and Anderson; and to report within ten days whether such sale is legal, and whether or not it is injurious to the present and future development of the mining and agricultural interests of the district in which such land is situated, as well as the Colony generally. Such Committee to consist of Mr. Studholme, Mr. Luckie, Mr. Speaker, Mr. J. B. Brown, Mr. J. C. Brown, Mr. O'Neill, Mr. Sheehan, the Hon. Mr. Eeeves, Mr. Thomson, Mr. Murray, and Mr. T. L. Shepherd; five to be a quorum; with power to call for persons and papers.

Thuesdat, thb IST DAT op Auoust, 1872. Ordered, That the Otago Waste Lands Inquiry Committee have leave to postpone the bringing up their Eeport for ten days.

Tuesday, thb 13th day of August, 1872. Ordered, That the Otago Waste Lands Administration Inquiry Committee have leave to postpone the bringing up their .Report for seven days.