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G.—Ne. 49.


Rejections in 1872 —continued. Names of Claimants. Causes of Rejection. Matthew J. Goodson ... ... Not in accordance with s. 6, Act 1866. JohnGare ... ... ... Ditto. EelixMcGuire ... ... Ditto. Gavon Hamilton ... ... Ditto. George Hay ward ... ... Already on roll. Andrew Hunter ... ... Ditto. _,„_,_, Daniel Hurley ... ... Not in accordance with s. 6, Act 1866. James Huston ... ... Ditto. Gideon Inksten ... ... Ditto. Samuel Larcom ... ... Ditto. James Livingston ... ... Ditto. Richard Lynch ... ... Ditto. Edward C." Meredith ... ... Ditto. James McMichael ... ... Ditto. Thomas Middlemas ... ... Ditto. Laurence Milence ... ... Ditto. JohnMilroy ... ... Already on the roll. James Mitshell ... ... Not in accordance with s. 6, Act 1866. Edmund J. Morgan ... ... Already on the roll. Anthony Nathan ... ... Not in accordance with s. 6, Act 1866. Maillard Noake ... ... Already on the roll. John Patterson ... ... Ditto. Joseph Patterson ... ... Ditto. John Reid ... ... ... Not in compliance with s. 6, Act 1866. James Rhodes ... ... Ditto. William Robertson ... ... Ditto. Michael Sweeny ... ... Ditto. Patrick Sweeny ... ... Already on the roll. _ Charles Tait... ... ... Not in accordance with s. 6, Act 1866. Samuel Taplin ... ... Already on the roll. William Thomson ... ... Not signed. Henry Uscher ... ... Already on the roll. _ Frederick Waller ... ... Not in accordance with s. 6, Act 1866. Patrick Ward ... ... Already on the roll. John Wells ... ... ... Not in accordance with s. 6, Act 1866. James Williamson ... ... Already on the roll. _ William Wilson ... ... Not in accordance with s. 6, Act 1866. John Dinks ... ... ... Ditto. Charles A. Wray ... ... Already on the roll. . Henry Wright ... ... Not in accordance with s. 6, Act 1866. Note —The Revising Officer's reasons for rejecting each claim are indorsed thereon. The claims stated as rejected for not being in accordance with section 6 were not declared to or not signed, or failed in some other way to comply with the requirements of the Act. R New Plymouth, 30th September, 1872. Returning Officer.