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G.—No. 27



Enclosure in No. 4. Mr. J. E. Eitz Gerald to His Honor W. Eitzherbert. SlB '~" t r -xi T , Wellington, 27th July, 1872. In compliance with your request, I have the honor to state that I have been only recently T!Za t IS r P f6Ct thG aT* 10 AB£ lUm t* arori' That the Master and Matron >»« S recently changed, and that a new Asylum is being built. Many remarks, therefore, which it might have been my duty to make under other circumstances, would be out of place at present On the occasion of my visit I found the whole Asylum perfectly clean ; twenty-five patients in the various rooms and yards, none m confinement or under restraint. The proper autLritieffor retaLiS the patients in custody were shown to me except in one case, where the order, a warrant given man? years ago, is missing. The means for submitting a patient to restraint without unnecessary perS violence are very unsatisfactory. But I conclude that in the new Asylum proper room willbe°o_SwTS W? r6« er th, G T !° f dr6SSf ,a * Present emP loyed ™rd 7 ever necessary _ Notwithstanding the perfect cleanliness of the rooms, the atmosphere of some of the cells midit be improved by the use of disinfecting fluids, of which I was informed none had ever En supplied without this it is impossible to keep the cells of some patients properly clean and wholesome. PP ' I have, &c, tt. tt„ ~ a ~ ~ .__ ,„ James Edward EitzGerald, His Honor the Superintendent, Wellington. Inspector

PEOVINCE OE NELSON. No Eeport sent in.

PEOVINCE OE MAELBOEOTJGH. No Lunatic Asylum in Province of Marlborough.

PEOVINCE OE CANTEEBTJEY. No. 5. His Honor W. Eolleston to the Hon. W. Gisborne. a Superintendent's Office, T , ~ , A . Christchurch, Canterbury, 18th January, 1872 «... a r% ,-° n? r \° tTanam^ to y°u the enclosed Eeport, by Mr. Hamilton, of an inspection of the Sunnyside Lunatic Asylum, made by him on 27th October last. inspection ot I have, &c, The Hon. the Colonial Secretary. W"

Enclosure in No. 5. Mr. J. W. Hamilton to the Hon. W. Gisborne Sir. tl„„.i r . iJ( ,_, Christchurch, 9th January, 1872. U»t TW 1 \ T°l *? A ™P ° v that. * msPected the Sunnyside Lunatic Asylum on 27th October tLiF? t^S^t that time been intrusted with the duty of examining into the valu of lands h6l"ortheTn EaiW,lhave been too much engaged? until ZScl&^Z t ra vpnnjt erenCe to. clause, 6o of " The Lunatic* Act, 1868," I should state that the number of miles travelled by me on inspection is but nominal, the Asylum being only two miles out of ChrTstchurch I did not see every individual patient on this occasion, several of them being engaged on tho grounds SriArfe A r°m b^Ml^ gS ' aDd ml a^ ention bein 8 directed mai% t0 **• Ukb and document" SmgTgtnSr 68 a *t0 UP' aDd t0 thC C°nditlon °f the knds and m. aSZ? 24'^ W^ Al t; "^"-I fonnd that the « Eegister of Patients " had not been written s___W____f_£S H Cle; kas, theActrequi,res J ThoMedicalofficerhadMt >ina"SoSSJ within the month after a patient's admission suppbed the required entry, " Porni of Disorder " study of the Act, which contains no less than 193 clauses to be mastered and noted. It appears that OfflJ° * U0M OTr reqUU'eS' at timeS ' »ore__nam<mth to develop itself, so that the Medical Officer may be able to pronounce upon it confidently, and supply the entry. I do not think SnC 9- th%n?n on3 t l t T, more than mJ Pasßi"S »°t:- of them in reporting to you ' b*-ST ;7. * Case T Book 1S not Yet keP* b 7 Medical Officer, the form for it not having been yet directed (so far as I can ascertain) by the Governor in Council. I beg to recommend that some simple form bo ordered at an early date. g recommend tnat