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G.~No. 1.9


No. 1. The Hon. W. Gisborne to His Honor W. Pitziibrbert. Sie,-^ Colonial Secretary's Office, Wellington, 25th January, 1872. Tour Honor is already aware that, after much consideration and consultation with yourself, an agreement was entered into between Her Majesty and the Hon. Colonel Peilding, as the representative of the Emigrant and Colonist's Aid Corporation, for the sale and occupation of a block of 106,000 acres in the district of Manawatu. As you will probably desire to have a copy of the agreement for official record, I now enclose one for that purpose.* I have, &c, His Honor the Superintendent, Wellington. W. Gisborne.

No. 2. The Hon. W. Gisborne to His Honor W. Pitziieebert. Sir,— Colonial Secretary's Office, Wellington, 9th March, 1872. I have the honor to inform you that the subject of the disposal of the funds received for the sale of portions of the land included in the Second Schedule of " The Wellington Debts Act, 1871," has been brought under my notice through a sum of £207 1.95. having been paid to the Public Account by the Receiver of Land Revenue, in terms of Act already mentioned. As the Province only desires that the sum of £75,000 shall be raised under that Act, and the General Government already hold bills to an equal amount, received from Colonel Peilding on behalf of the Emigrant's Aid Society for the purchase of a portion of the land ; and as payment on account of such land will have to be made by the General Government, as required by " The Public Works and Immigration Act, 1871," I have directed that all moneys, other than the proceeds of these bills, received for sales of that land, shall be paid over from time to time to the Province. I have, &c, His Honor the Superintendent of Wellington. W. Gisborne.

No. 3. Memorandum for His Honor the Superintendent, Wellington. The upset price of the land comprised in the Second Schedule of " The Wellington Debts Act, 1871," and of the land comprised in the block sold to the Hon. Colonel Feilding, is, and always hag been, not less than twenty shillings per acre. I have, &c, J. G HOLBSWOBTH, Crown Lands Office, 2nd August, 1872. Commissioner, Crown Lands.

WANGANUI BEIDGE TOLLS. No. 4. Mr. J. Woodward to Mr. H. Burar. Sir, — Treasury, Wellington, 10th January, 1872. I am instructed by the Colonial Treasurer to inform you that, as the cost of erecting the Wangahui Bridge has been provided for out of loans, the Government does not deem it needful to collect the tolls, and will be quite willing to leave the whole to the Provincial authorities, if you see fit to assume the charge. ■ I have, &c, J. Woodwabd, The Provincial Treasurer, Wellington. Assistant Treasurer. * Eor copy of Agreement, see Sess. Paper, 1872 —D. No. 11; p. 5.