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G—No. 18.


Tuesday, 2nd Apeil, 1872. The Commission was opened and read. Adjourned to the following day, at 11 o'clock a.m.

Wednesday, 3ed Apeil, 1872. The Commission sat at 11 o'clock. Mr. Quick, solicitor for Mr. Martin, applied for an adjournment until Monday, the Bth instant, in order to enable Mr. Martin to be present. Adjourned to Monday, Bth April, at 11 a.m.

Monday, Bth Apeil, 1872. The Commission sat at 11 o'clock. Mr. Brandon appeared for Mr. Martin, and Mr. Attorney-General for the G-overnment. Mr. Martin was in attendance, and examined on oath. Adjourned to next day, at 11 a.m.

Tuesday, 9th Apeil, 1872. The Commission sat at 11 o'clock. Mr. Martin was in attendance, and further examined on oath. Mr. Ben Smith in attendauce, and examined on oath. Adjourned to Thursday, 11th April, at 2 p.m.

Thursday, 11th Apeil, 1872. The Commission sat at 2 o'clock. Mr. Quick appeared for Mr. Martin. Mr. Attorney-General opened the case for the G-overnment. Mr. Clayton, Colonial Architect, in attendance, and examined on oath. Adjourned to the following day, at 4 p.m.

Feiday, 12th Apeil, 1872. The Commission sat at 4 p.m. Messrs. Brandon and Quick appeared for Mr. Martin; Mr. Attorney- General, for the Government Mr. Clayton, Colonial Architect, in attendance and further examined on oath, Mr. Ben Smith, in attendance, and further examined on oath. Adjourned to 5 p.m. on Tuesday, the 16th instant.

Tuesday, 16th Apeil, 1872. The Commission sat at 5 p.m. Mr. Brandon appeared for Mr. Martin ; Mr. Attorney- General, for the Government. Mr. C. B. Vine, Clerk of Works, in attendance and examined on oath. Mr. W. P. James, second Clerk in the Resident Magistrate's Office, Wellington, in attendance and examined on oath. Mr. Ben Smith in attendance, and further examined on oath. Mr. Clayton in attendance, and further examined on oath. Mr. Attorney- General summed up for the Government. Mr. Brandon replied for Mr. Martin. The Commission rose.

Monday, Bth Apeil, 1872, Mr. Brandon appeared for Mr. Martin. Mr. Attorney-General appeared for Government. Mr. Maetin, examined on oath. 1. Mr. Brandon.'] In April, 1869, did you not become security for Ben Smith, the contractor for building Government House? —I did; I was joint security with Osgood. 2. The liability under the bond was for £1,000? —It was so, I think. There was some mistake. In the original I think it is £500, put in by Mr. Felix Wakefield. 3. Did. Smith enter upon the work ?—Yes.