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G.—No. 14.

Enclosure 4 in No. 1. Inspector Pitt to the Commissioned, Armed Constabulary Force. Sib,— Orniond, 31st May, 1872. In accordance with the letter, number and date as per margin, and in compliance with the instructions conveyed in Circular Memorandum No. 47, of the sth June, 1871, I have the honor to report on the different .subjects therein named. Military Duties. Average Strength of Officers and Men. —1 Inspector, 1 Sub-inspector, and 22 non-commissioned officers and men. Nature of Parades and Drills. —Divine Service and marching order parades ; Company and Light Infantry drill, and target practice. Operations in the Field. —Two expeditions (under my command) after Te Kooti, started from this district; the first left on the 28th of February, and returned on the 10th of March; the second left on the 14th March, and returned on the 19th April. The second expedition struck Te Kooti's track at Hurukino, and followed it on to the Waimea; lost trail there and struck for Te Wera, an old settlement of Te Kooti's in the Waioeka; found no trace of him there, and returned to Poverty Bay. Patrolling and Scouting. — Bmall parties of mounted men occasionally scout in the direction of Ngatapa and Maungatu. Carrying Mails and Despatches. —One mounted constable is stationed at Gfisborne for the purpose of conveying the mails, on the arrival of the steamers, to head-quarters, Ormond, a distance of twelve miles. Escorts and Gimrds. —One non-commissioned officer and three men mount guard nightly at Ormond. A mounted constable acted as orderly to Lieut.-Colonel Harington from this district to Te Wairoa. Malting and Improving Target Ranges. —In consequence of the land being occupied where the range formerly ran, we have had to make a new one at Ormond. JErection of Redoubts and Stockades. — The redoubt at Ormond has been much improved, the interior gravelled, and a parade ground made outside, which has been also gravelled. Civil Duties. Steps taken for the Prevention of Crime. —One sub-inspector, one sergeant, and four constables have been employed at Gisborne exclusively on police duty, with the exception that they take charge of the blockhouses, in which is stored the whole of the Government ammunition. During the last twelve months there have been twenty-seven convictions in the Resident Magistrate's Court at Grisborne ; namely, four cases of felony, three of misdemeanour, one of breach of the Customs Act, nineteen of drunkenness. Attending Civil Courts. —There have been one District and seventy-three Eesident Magistrate's Courts, at which one sergeant and two constables attended; and thirteen sittings of Mr. Turton's Court, under the Native Lands Frauds Act, at which one sub-inspector and two constables attended. Public and Useful Works. Building Souses .and Stahles.—Stables rebuilt and shingled. Fencing PaddocJes. —A nine-acre paddock has been enclosed with a three-rail fence and laid down in oats, from which 133 bushels have been stored for the use of the Armed Constabulary horses. Sixteen tons of meadow hay have been cut, made, and stacked by the Armed Constabulary on halves ; the eight tons thus accruing to the Government was carted a mile and a half. In addition to the above, one acre enclosing officers' quarters, stables, and ha} 7 stack, has had a threerail fence put round it. The large paddock lias again been ploughed by Armed Constabulary labour, preparatory to its being re-sown with oats. Eemaeks. With reference to the district, I may state that during the last twelve months it has undergone considerable improvement. Most of the country between Ormond and Gisborne has been fenced in. A Eoad Board has been established, and a great deal has been done in the way of road work. Several runs have been taken up from the Natives inland of this place, and the population of the district has increased considerably. Two non-commissioned officers of the forcejj(one mounted and the other foot) drill the Volunteers and Militia. I have, &c, C. D. Pitt, Inspector, The Commissioner, A.C. Force, Wellington. Commanding Poverty Bay District. Enclosure 5 in No. 1. Inspector Cumming to the Commissioner, Armed Constabulary Force. Sib, — Armed Constabulary Inspector's Office, Te Kapu, Ist June, 1872. In compliance with Circular Memorandum No. 89, I have the honor to forward the following report from the Wairoa District, Hawke's Bay: — Military Duties. Average Strength of Officers and Men in the District. —The average strength of officers in the district has ranged from three to five; rank and file from forty to sixty-five. 3

Circular No. 89, dated Wellington, 5th April, 1872.