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G—No. 13.


No. 30. The Hon. W. Gisborne to Mr. H. J. Tancred. (No. 313.) Sir,- — Colonial Secretary's Office, Wellington, 3rd May, 1872. I have the honor to acknowledge the receipt of your letter of the 24th ultimo, enclosing a report of the proceedings of the New Zealand University, and stating that the vouchers mentioned therein had been sent to the Auditor-General for convenience, to await instructions by the Governor as to the mode of audit. The Warrant appointing the mode of audit was signed by His Excellency the Governor on the 23rd ultimo, and on the following day I wrote to you accordingly. I enclose a New Zealand Gazette No. 21, of 29th April, 1872, in which the Warrant is published. The Government are advised that the audit should take place, as described by the Governor's Warrant and by the Act, notwithstanding that the time intended by the Act has elapsed, and 1 shall therefore, on your behalf, forward the report to the Auditor-General for audit. I have, &c., The Chancellor of the New Zealand University, W. Gisborne. Christchurch.

Enclosure in No. 80. G. F. Bowen, Governor. Wheeeas by the sixteenth section of " The New Zealand University Act, 1870," it is enacted that the Council of the said University shall, during the month of April in every year, report the proceedings of the University during the previous jear to the Governor, and such Report shall contain a full account of the income and expenditure of the said University, audited in such manner as the Governor may direct, and a copy of every such Eeport, and all Statutes and Regulations of the University, shall be laid in each year before the General Assembly • Now therefore, I, Sir George Ferguson Bowen, G.C.M.G., the Governor of the Colony of New Zealand, do hereby, in exercise and pursuance of the power and authority conferred on me by the said Act, direct that the said account of the said University shall be annually audited by the Auditor-General in the manner following, that is to say: —The said Council shall at some time in the month of April forward to the said Auditor a copy of the said account for the year ending the 31st day of March then preceding, and the Treasurer or other proper officer of the said University shall at such time within the month of April, and at such place as shall be appointed by the said Auditor, attend before the said Auditor, and the said Auditor shall, in the presence of the said Treasurer or other proper officer aforesaid, if he desire to be present, proceed to audit the said account of the year ending on the thirty-first day of March then preceding, and the Council of the said University shall by such treasurer or other officer aforesaid, produce and lay before the Auditor the said account, accompanied with proper vouchers in support of the same, and. all books, papers, and writings in the custody or power of the said Council relating thereto, and if the said account be found correct the Auditor shall sign the same in token of the allowance thereof; but if the Auditor think there is just cause to disapprove of the said account, or any part of the said account, he may signify his disapproval thereof on the said account or otherwise in such manner as he may find most convenient. Given under the hand of His Excellency Sir George Ferguson Bowen, Knight Grand Cross of the Most Distinguished Order of Saint Michael and Saint George, Governor and Commander-in-Chief in and over Her Majesty's Colony of New Zealand and its Dependencies, and Vice-Admiral of the same; and issued at Wellington, this twenty-third day of April, in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and seventy-two. "W. Gisboene.

No. 81. Mr. H. J. Tancred to the Hon. W. Gisborne. Sir, — University of New Zealand, Christchurch, Bth May, 1872. I have the honor to acknowledge your letter of the 29th ultimo, No. 300, in reply to a letter from me of the 19th of the same month, enclosing three sets of Regulations noted in the margin. In the letter under acknowledgment you draw my attention to the fact that these regulations, inasmuch as they purport to appropriate funds beyond the 12th October next, are inconsistent with the view of the Government as expressed in your letter No. 83, of the 31st of January last, to the effect that the Government could not at that time advise His Excellency to approve of regulations involving an appropriation extending to a later date than the year ending the 12th of October next. The object of the Government in arriving at this conclusion was, as understood by the Council, that stated in your letter of 27th February following, No. 138, viz., to guard against the creation of vested interests which might embarrass the action of the Legislature, in the event of its appearing expedient to effect changes in the position of the University.

Scholarships. Affiliation of Institutions. Appropriation of Funds.