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G.—No. 13

No. 1. The Hon. W. Gisborne to Mr. H. J. Tancred. Sik,— Colonial Secretary's Office, Wellington, 6th November, 1871. I have the honor to acknowledge the receipt of your letter of the 30th ultimo, forwarding, with explanation, a copy of a Resolution passed by the Council of the New Zealand University, relative to the Bill now before the General Assembly, intituled " A Bill to repeal ' The University Act, 1870,'" and, in reply, to inform you that the subject shall receive the consideration of the Government. I have, &c., H. J. Tancred, Esq., W. Gisborne. Chancellor of the New Zealand University.

No. 2. Mr. H. J. Tancred to the Hon. W. Gisborne. Si ß University of New Zealand, Wellington, 3rd November, 1871. I have the honor to enclose the accompanying Statutes and Regulations (as noted in the margin) passed by the Council of this University, and to request that the Governor may be advised to assent to the same. I have, &c., Henry John Tancred, The Hon. the Colonial Secretary, Wellington. Chancellor.

1 Admission of ! Undergraduates. Admission of Bachelors of Arts and Masters of Arts. Full terms not kept. University Terms. Affiliated Colleges Examinations. Besidenee in affiliated Colleges. Lectures in affiliated Colleges. ' Examination for 1 Scholarships. ! Matriculation.

No. 3. The Hon. W. Gisborne to Mr. H. J. Tancked. (No. 581.) S IRj Colonial Secretary's Office, Wellington, 14th November, 1871. I have the honor to acknowledge the receipt of your letter of the 3rd instant, enclosing certain Statutes and Regulations passed by the Council of the New Zealand University, to which you request that His Excellency the Governor may be advised to assent, and to inform you that the subject of your letter will be considered by the Government after the close of the Session. I have, &c, H. J. Tancred, Esq., W. Gisborne. Chancellor of the New Zealand University, Christchurch.

No. 4. Mr. H. J. Tancked to the Hon. W. Gisbokne. g IR University of New Zealand, Christchurch, 23rd January, 1872. I have the honor again to draw your attention to my letter of 11th July of last year, enclosing certain Eegulations relating to " Conditions of Affiliation," " Regulations for Scholarships," and " Appropriation of Funds," passed by the Council of this University during its meeting at Dunedin during the previous month of June, and submitted to the Government for His Excellency's approval; also to my letter of 3rd November of the same year, enclosing certain Statutes and Additional Regulations for a like purpose. I venture to hope, in again reminding the Government of these documents, that the Government will not think me unduly urgent, but that they will attribute my renewed request that they may be attended to, to my sense of the pressing importance of the case, and to the necessity which exists that some indication should be given as to the views and intentions ol the Government, not only with regard to these particular statutes and regulations, but also generally with regard to the whole future position of the University. You are no doubt aware, as indeed you have already informed me in previous communications, that the Council can exercise none of the powers given to it by the Act, nor can it perform any functions at all, except under regulations or statutes approved of by His Excellency. The Council has done its part in passing statutes and regulations for the organization of the