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Gh-r-Mo- 12.



work, as illustrating a part of the Natural History of New Zealand will be not only of a general scientific interest, but of special value to this Colony, the Government will propose to the Legislature that an extended leave of absence of six months be given to Mr. Buller, and that he be allowed to draw a sum of £200 during that period for the special purpose of enabling him to complete his work. It must he understood that he is not under any circumstances, after the 31st December next, to draw any salary as Besident Magistrate or as Acting Secretary to yourself. It is hoped that'by being relieved after that date from any secretarial duties, he will be able to devote himself more exclusively to and thus expedite the completion of his book. Mr. Buller must not draw any part of the proposed £200 until you have been informed of the sanction of the House of Bepresentatives. I have to request you to be good enough to communicate a copy of this letter to Mr. Buller. I have, Ac, I. E. Leatherston, Esq., Agent-General for New Zealand, W. Gisbobne. 7, Westminster Chambers, Victoria Street, London, S.W.