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G.—No. 9,



Hot- Water Apparatus. £ s. d. £ s. d. Eemovalof pipes, furnaces, &c., from Wellington ... ... 50 0 0 4 revolving ventilators ... ... ... ... ... 20 0 0 70 0 0 Total for the Assembly ... ... ... £1,927 7 9 Executive Offices. 271 superficial yards whiting ceilings, at 2d. per yard ... ... 2 5 2 1054 „ „ distemper walls, at 3d. per yard ... ... 13 3 6 10f squares of new partitions, at £4 per square ... ... 48 0 0 186 feet lineal 9-inch skirtings, at Bd. per foot ... ... ... 4108 4 new doors in partitions, at £3 each ... ... ... ... 12 0 0 13 blinds and rollers, at 20s. each ... ... ... ... 13 0 0 64 superficial feet casing clock-weights, at Is. each ... ... 3 4 0 Gasaliers ... ... ... ... ... ..-. 12 0 0 G-rates ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 8 0 0 Mantelpieces ... ... ... ... ... ... 515 0 Trap, pulleys, &c, Clock Tower ... ... ... ... 3 0 0 119 18 4 Furniture. 147 superficial yards matting, at 3s. 3d. per yard ... ... 23 17 9 169 „ „ drugget, at 4s. per yard ... ... ... 33 16 0 Half rental of furniture ... ... ... ... ... 45 0 0 _ 102 13 £2,150 19 10 Hire of furniture 90 0 0 Hire of steam engine ... ... ... ... ... 24 0 0 114 0 0 Total cost £2,264 19 10 W. H. Clayton, 3rd January, 1872. Colonial Architect. No. 8. Major Campbell to the Hon. W. Ghsßoium SlE,— Wellington, 25th December, 1871. In compliance with the instruction contained in your letter of the 4th instant, directing me to proceed to Dunedin. with the view of reporting on the accommodation available for the General Assembly, in the event of the next Session being held in that place—l have the honor to acquaint you that I proceeded there on the 6th instant, and on my arrival waited on His Honor the Superintendent, with the view of ascertaining if there were any buildings belonging to the Province which the Provincial G-overnment were prepared to place at the disposal of the Assembly. I was informed by His Honor, that the Provincial Government were willing to hand over for the purpose the Provincial Council Chamber, with the offices and rooms attached; and that the Provincial Government had made application to the authorities of the Otago University, requesting that body to place the University Building at the disposal of the General Assembly, in the event of the Session being held in Dunedin. After a delay of some days, I was informed that the Council of the University had acceded to this application!; and I have therefore the honor to report that, in my opinion, the amount of accommodation thus placed at the disposal of the Government for the accommodation of the two Houses of the Legislature is amply sufficient. The Provincial Council Chamber, with its offices and Committee rooms, would answer very well for the Legislative Council, without any alteration ; and the lower story, with two rooms on the upper story, of the University Building, will meet the requirements of the House of Eepresentatives. It would, of course, have been preferable that both Chambers should have sat under one roof, but there is no building in Dunedin in which such an amount of accommodation is to be found ; and as the buildings I have referred to are only separated by a street, I do not think much inconvenience would result. If, however, it should be considered desirable, I am informed that it will be quite practicable to construct a covered way or gallery from one building to the other, above the traffic of the street which separates them. I should add, that, in accordance with the terms of your letter, I was in communication with .the Colonial Architect while in Dunedin ; that we have gone over the University Building together, and that he will submit to the Government a plan of the building, with on estimate of the cost of such alterations as are necessary for the convenience of the House of Eepresentatives. I have, &c, F. E. Campbell, The Hon. the Colonial Secretary. Clerk of Parliaments.