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G.—No. 9,



Enclosure 1 in No. 5. Mr. W. H. Clayton to His Honor J. Macanbeew. Sib, — Custom House, Dunedin, Bth December, 1871. In accordance with instructions from the Hon. Colonial Secretary, I am now in Dunedin for the purpose of reporting upon the accommodation available for holding a Session of the General Assembly in this city. Will you oblige by assisting me to carry out these instructions, and inform me whether the Provincial Government are prepared to offer what is required; and if so, to state what buildings are proposed to bjg entirely or partially set apart for the purpose; and if the latter, what portions of such building or buildings will be available. I have, &c, W. H. Clayton, His Honor the Superintendent. Colonial Architect.

Enclosure 2 in No. 5. —(A.) Mr. A. Willis to Mr. W. H. Clayton. Sic, — Provincial Secretary's Office, Dunedin, 11th December, 1871. I have been directed by His Honor the Superintendent to acknowledge the receipt of your letter of the Bth instant, and in reply to inform you that the Government is prepared to place at the disposal of the General Assembly during its proposed sitting in Dunedin, the Provincial Council Chamber with all the rooms connected therewith, together with the large rooms next the Eesident Magistrate's Court. I am to add that His Honor has also made formal application to the Otago University Council for the use of the whole of the University Building, and that a meeting of the Council has been summoned for the purpose of deciding upon it, and that His Honor has every reason to believe that the building will be placed at the disposal of the Colonial Legislature. I have, &c. Alex. Willis, W. H. Clayton, Esq., Colonial Architect. Under Secretary.

Enclosure 8 in No. 5. Mr. W. H. Clayton to Mr. C. Nichols. Deab Sic,— _ Custom House, Dunedin, 19th December, 1871. It being a part of my business in Dunedin to ascertain what accommodation can be obtained for the Governor in the event of the Session of the General Assembly being held here : May I ask whether you would be disposed to give up Fernhill as a residence for His Excellency for about four months, say from the middle of May to the middle of September, 1872 ; and if so, will you oblige by informing me about what expense the Colony would be put to in the item of the rent. Perhaps you could also give an approximate estimate of the furniture required, over and above what would be let with the house. I wish to be able to report to the General Government the total expenditure necessary as nearly as possible. * I remain, &c, Charles Nichols, Esq. W. H. Clayton.

Enclosure 4 in No. 5.—(8.) Mr. C. Nichols to Mr. W. H. Clayton. Deae Sic,— Dunedin, 21st December, 1872. Tours of 19th instant, requesting to know if I would give up Fernhill as a residence for the Governor for a term of about four months during the Session of the General Assembly, has had my careful attention, and my desire was to comply with your request, but an unforeseen difficulty has arisen, which for the moment prevents my naming terms, or the other particulars desired by you. Mr. Biss appears inclined to break faith with me, and the matter is likely to become the subject of litigation ; and until i see my way a little more clearly, I cannot now give you a definite offer" of the property. _ Should I succeed (as I have no doubt I shall) in establishing my right to treat with the property, I will at once communicate with you, with a view to placing it at the disposal of His Excellency for the time specified. I am, &c, V. H. Clayton, Esq., Dunedin. Chas. Nichols.

Enclosure 5 In No. 5. Mr. W. H. Clayton to His Honor J. Macandeew. ®m > — , Custom House, Dunedin, 21st December, 1871. In conversation with you yesterday, I understood that the Provincial Government had taken on lease the Pernhill. property as a residence for the Governor. Since then I have received a letter from Mr. Nichols, who appears to claim the right to treat with the property.