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F.—No. 5.



No. 30. Wi Tana Papahia, and 40 others, to the Hon. the Native Ministeb. Hokianga, 6th December, 1871. Feiend, Me. M'Lean — Salutations to you. We have seen your letter to Mr. Yon Stunner relating *o schools, and we now consent to hand over a piece of land fifteen acres in extent, at Te Waitapu, as an endowment for the school, at any time that the Government may think fit. The boundaries of this reserve (gift) for the school commence at the mouth of the Hokianga river on the North side, along the Western bank to Herekino, then to its source, where it turns to Motu Kauri, down to the river, and on to the mouth, the point of commencement. The persons whom we have appointed as a committee to arrange about this are Mr. Yon Stunner, Wi Tana Papahia, Herewini Mangu Mangu, Hone Harimana. Mr. Yon Stunner to be chairman. That is all. From your friends, Wiremu Tana Papahia Manuera Herewini Mangumangu Pori Whira lahu Ngawaka Tehura Anipara Tipene (H.C) Tamati Alex. Boyce (H.C.) Mikahere Noki Karena Te ma tiu Eev. Piripi Patiki Matiu Henare Mangumangu Eitete Eemika Te Tai Wirihana Te Tai Papahia Paora Tia Pakeke Peneharara Kaperieri Eikihana Paraihe Tere Eapakoru HemiTiki Wikiripi Hapita Matakike Mihaka Petera Kahika Henare Marumoko Eihari Mita Hui Hohapata Mita Hana Himi Eewi Ngataierua Tupakihe.

No. 31. The Eesident Magisteate, Upper Whanganui, to the Undee-Seceetaet Native Department. Eesident Magistrate's Office, Sik,— Whanganui, 11th May, 1872. I would ask for authority to employ a surveyor of the Native Land Court to survey and map out the piece of land agreed to be given by Whanganui Natives as an endowment for a Native school, in order that a regular Trust Deed may be executed by the owners thereof, as ascertained by the Court; a course necessary to adopt before expending any Government money on the land in the shape of buildings, &c. I have been offered thirty acres by the chief Horima, at Maramara-totatara, about seventeen miles up this river, as a site for a school; but I shall accept Hakaria's offer of a much larger piece of land just above Parikino, twenty-six miles up the river, as it contains about two hundred (200) acres, and is in every way a most eligible site for the purposes required. It will also be advisable to have plans and specifications prepared at once of the necessary buildings, and a translation sent me of the different dimensions of timber required, in order that the Natives may furnish their quota of same, as may hereafter be agreed upon. I have, &c, E, W. Woon, E.M.

No 32. The Eesident Magisteate, Upper Whanganui, to the Assistant Undee-Sceetaet, Native Office. Eesident Magistrate's Office. Sic,— Whanganui, Bth July, 1872. I have the honor to forward a tracing of the Parikino Native Educational Native Eeserve, together with Mr. Monro's report on survey, Sec, along with an application by Hakaria to be forwarded to Judge Smith. I also beg to enclose Mr. Monro's account for approval. I have, See., Richabd W. Woon, R.M.