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E.—No. 1.

Table No. 30. TABLE showing the REVENUE, EXPENDITURE, &c, of the POST OFFICE in the Postal District of NEW ZEALAND in 1871.



Total Received and Despatched. Expeistjitube. Total. MAIL SERVICES. A ft ft O ft ao Letters. Books and Newspapers. Weight of Books and Newspapers in lbs. Cost of Conveyance. Salaries. Contingencies. Expenditure. Revenue. AUCKLAND 662, 794 £ s. A. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. 114 1,057,470 124, 320 3,033 2 10 3,691 18 11 370 14 1 7,095 15 10 10,575 17 0 Thames ... ... ... 5 ! ! 238,920 79,859 15,241 146 13 0 1,105 0 0 0 15 0 1,252 8 0 1,973 10 9 Tabanaki 7 81,997 46,216 5,775 315 14 7 336 8 10 73 19 2 726 2 7 820 2 5 Hawke's Bat... 33 177,300 130,632 16,223 883 0 0 688 13 4 20 0 0 1,591 13 4 1,569 13 2 Wellington ... 40 730,785 500, 098 93,768 2,131 12 6 2,175 12 11 347 1 11 4,654 7 4 24,040 10 0 Totals fob North Island I I 198 2,286,472 1,419,599 255,327 6,510 2 11 7,997 14 0 812 10 2 15,320 7 1 38,979 13 4 Nelson 42 413,925 288, 492 40,706 1,285 9 2 1,713 15 0 53 16 0 3,053 0 2 2,556 9 6 MaELBOEOUGH... 16 120, 650 91,245 11,140 713 14 0 591 15 4 95 13 9 1,401 3 1 ! I I 1,201 14 II Cantebbtjby ... 86 1,174,446 517,433 97,019 4,112 0 0 3,815 3 5 211 17 2 8,139 0 7 9,072 1 10 Otago 119 1,426,060 1,342,826 233,839 5,135 18 10 5,245 11 7 739 15 0 11,121 5 5 13,348 6 11 Southland 25 184,560 141,944 39,163 968 0 0 724 3 4 28 9 7 1,720 12 11 1,696 5 10 Westland 32 475,584 378,245 69,244 2,497 0 0 1,625 0 0 377 11 5 4,499 11 5 3,395 7 3 Totals foe Middle Island 320 3,795,225 2,760,185 491,111 . 14,712 2 0 13,715 8 8 1,507 2 11 29,934 13 7 31,270 6 3 Chatham Islands 1 Totals fob the Colony... 519 6,081,697 4,179,784 746,438 21,222 4 11 21,713 2 8 2,319 13 1 45,255 0 8 *70,249 19 7 * This includes wastage on franked corres; londence.