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D.—No. 2,



send them here for consideration of Government. One condition should be that contractor shall have free use of tramway from Palmerston to Ngawhakarau for carriage of timber. The tramway from Palmerston to Ngawhakarau should be pushed on as rapidly as possible. When will it be complete ? Could not contracts for laying and cutting rails be at once called for ? Its completion will greatly cheapen cost of other part to Foxton. Please acknowledge this. W. Gisbobne.

No. 7. Mr. J. T. Stewart to the Hon. Mr. Gisborne. (Telegram.) Marton, 24th April, 1871. Engaged with Fitzgerald and Mitchell about survey of railway line to Wanganui, but return this week to Manawatu. Shall give attention to tramway Ngawhakarau to Foxton, and report. Materials Palmerston to Ngawhakarau being pushed on, and party of Scandinavians and two local contractors at work on sleepers. Rails also commenced, and tenders called for rails. Commence laying whenever enough material ready. John T. Stewart, The Hon. the Minister for Public Works, District Engineer. AVellington.

No. 8. Memorandum from Mr. J. T. Stewart to Mr. Knowles. In reference to telegram from the Hon. the Minister for Public Works in regard to tramway from Ngawhakarau to Foxton, the distance is nearly sixteen miles. Upon fourteen miles of this through the open country (Foxton to Oroua Bush), the road has been opened at as little expense as practicable for light dray traffic. In laying down a tramway here, the ridge crossed will have to be cut lower and wider, and the width of formation over swamps and wet parts widened, so as to leave room for ordinary traffic alongside the tramway ; and for considerable portion, where no formation has been made (the natural surface sufficing for light dray traffic), new formation and levelling, and drainage culverts, Ac, will be required for tramway. £ s. d. The approximate estimate for the above is ... ... ... 1,500 0 0 And for material for 16 miles, including carriage, laying and packing, and ballasting, 2 miles in bush ... ... ... 4,850 0 0 Total ... ... ... ... £6,350 0 0 The detailed specification for the formation will take a good deal of preliminary field work. The material, sleepers, rails, and keys, could be gone on with conjointly with that for line Palmerston to Ngawhakarau, and be ready for carriage along that line as soon as it was laid. As soon as 1 could do so after being authorized, the work of preparing the line and formation could be commenced. John T. Stewart, Manawatu, Ist May, 1871. District Engineer.

No. 9. Mr. J. T. Stewart to Mr. Knowles. (Telegram.) Foxton, 2nd May, 1871. Alternative line Foxton to Ngawhakarau is, Foxton to Motoa Tramway, on public road, five miles ; Motoa to Ngawhakarau River, fifteen miles. Cost one-third of line as per memo, of yesterday. Disadvantage, change of vehicle in transit. Tracing by next mail. Both road and river good. JonN T. Stewart, John Knowles, Esq., Under Secretary, District Engineer. Public AVorks Department.

No. 10. Memorandum from Mr. J. T. Stewart to Mr. Knowles. Route from Foxton to Ngawhakarau via Motoa. (See tracing forwarded last mail.) Approximate Fstimate. £ s. d. Preparing road line, Foxton to Motoa, and culverts ... ... 400 0 0 Tramway, Foxton to Motoa, including material, carriage of material, laying and packing, 5 miles ... ... ... ... 1,500 0 0 Towards clearing snags from Motoa to Ngawhakarau in River Manawatu, whole distance of river navigation 15 miles ... ... 250 0 0 Landing stage, Motoa ... ... ... ... ... 150 0 0 Landing stage, Ngawhakarau ... ... ... ... 150 0 0 £2,450 0 0 2