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CONTENTS. tun GENERAL BALANCE SnEET OF TbANSACTIONS ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 6-7 Account Cuerent of the Receipts and Disbursements op the Consolidated Fund... ... ... 8-137 summaby of the receipts and disbursements op the consolidated fund... ... ... ... 138-143 Statement op the Actual as compared with the Authorized Expenditure ... ... ... 144-148 summary" of the amounts carried to reserve account ... ... ... ... ... ... 148-149 Statement showing the Moieties op Revenue Credited, and the CitAßass and Inteeest Debited, Month by Month, to the several Provinces ... ... ... ... ... ... 150-151 Statement in Explanation op the Sums Payable and Paid to the several Provinces ... ... 151 Account Current of the Receipts and Disbursements of the Special Fund ... ... ... 152-155 Account Current op the Receipts and Disbursements op the Land Fund ... ... ... 156-161 Account Current op the Receipts and Disbursements of the Public Trust Fund ... ... 160-161 Statement op the Receipts and Disbursements undeb "The Trustees Relief Act, 18G2" ... ... 162 Statement of the Receipts and Disbursements of the Trust Fund Investment Account ... ... 162 Balance Sheet op Accounts included in the Public Trust Fund ... ... ... ... 163 Balance Sheet op Advances ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 164-170 Account Current of the Receipts and Disbuesements of the Sinking Funds ... ... ... 172-175