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A.—No. 6a.



Wm. Wall's Sons to Mr. E. Fox. Dear Snt,— No. 113, Wall Street, New York, 10th August, 1871. Your favour 19th July came duly to hand. We now have pleasure of handing you replies to the questions asked, and which we trust may be of service to you. We have, &c, Mr. E. Fox, Wellington, New Zealand. Wm. Wall's Sons. Queries as to Sisal Hemp. 1. What is the market value of the fibre, as compared with good average Manilla? —About two cents per pound less than Manilla. 2. Is the fibre much used in the United States as a substitute for Manilla ?—lt is. The entire import of last year was about 3,200 tons, and it was immediately taken by manufacturers, and entered into consumption, and which answered as a substitute for just that much Manilla. 3. Is the fibre the product of a stem or of a leaf? —The product of a loaf. 4. Is a special machine used in the preparation of the fibre, or is the ordinary kind of flax and hemp breaker used for the purpose ? —A special machine. 5. If a special machine is used, where could one be obtained, and about what amount would it cost ?—lt can be obtained of E. L. Allen and Co., agricultural implement manufacturers; the cost is $350 to $700 eacb. Wm. Wall's Sons.