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A.—No. 3,



Excellency the Governor and the Seal of the Colony, disallowing " The Road Boards Ordinance, 1870," passed by the Superintendent and Provincial Council of Otago. I have, &c, His Honor the Superintendent, Otago. W. Gisbobne.

No. 26. His Honor J. Macandeew to the Hon. W. Gisboene. Province of Otago, New Zealand, Sib, — Superintendent's Office, Dunedin, 7th November, 1870. I have the honor to acknowledge the receipt of your letter of the 13th October, No. 340, enclosing copy of New Zealand Gazette, containing a Proclamation under the hand of His Excellency the Governor and the Seal of the Colony, disallowing " The Road Boards Ordinance, 1870," passed by the Superintendent and Provincial Council of Otago. I have, &c, J. Macandeew, The Hon. the Colonial Secretary, Wellington. Superintendent.

No. 27. His Honor J. Macandbew to the Hon. W. Gisboene. Province of Otago, New Zealand, Sib, — Superintendent's Office, Dunedin, 23rd December, 1870. I do myself the honor to forward the enclosed Ordinances, passed at the last Session of the Provincial Council, to which I have assented on behalf of His Excellency the Governor, viz.: — " Otago Representation Ordinance, No. 2, 1870." " Jetties and Wharves Ordinance, 1870." " Eoad Ordinances (Southland) Repeal Ordinance, 1870." " Dunedin Athenreum and Mechanics Institute Ordinance, 1870." " Otago Municipal Corporations Ordinance 1865 Amendment Ordinance, 1870." " Otago Municipal Corporations Ordinance Extension Ordinance, 1870." " Education Ordinance (Southland) Repeal Ordinance, 1870." " Licensed Theatres Ordinance (Southland) Repeal Ordinance, 1870." " Licensing Ordinances Repeal Ordinance, 1870." " Auction Ordinance 1802 (Southland) Repeal Ordinance, 1870." " Licensed Hawkers Ordinance (Southland) Repeal Ordinance, 1870." " Otago Roads Ordinance 1865 Amendment Ordinance, 1870." And the following Bills, which have been reserved for the signification of His Excellency the Governor's pleasure thereon : — " Southern Trunk Railway Guaranteed Interest Ordinance Amendment Ordinance, 1870." " Port Chalmers Reserves Management Ordinance, 1870." " Invercargill Park Reserve Management and Leasing Ordinance, 1870." " The Racecourse Reserve Leasing Ordinance, 1870." I have, &c, J. Macaxdeew, The Hon. the Colonial Secretary, Wellington. Superintendent.

No. 28. The Hon. W. Gisboene to His Honor J. Macandeew. Sie, — Colonial Secretary's Office, Wellington, 10th January, 1871. I have the honor to inform your Honor that His Excellency has been advised to disallow " The Southern Trunk Guaranteed Interest Ordinance Amendment Ordinance, 1870," on the following legal grounds : — The Government is advised that this Bill is ultra vires, inasmuch as it contravenes the prohibition contained in " The Consolidated Loan Act, 1867," by affecting to extend the period of a guarantee authorized by a previous Ordinance (passed previously to " The Consolidated Loan Act, 1867") from fifteen years to thirty-five years ; that is to say, it empowers the creation of an additional guarantee for a period of twenty years. I have, &c, His Honor the Superintendent, Otago. W. Gisboene.