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A.—No. 3.



" Blenheim and Renwick Road Diversion Act," " Kaikoura and Kohai Road Diversion Act," and to request you to lay the same before His Excellency the Governor for the signification of his pleasure thereon. I have, &c, A. P. Setmoue, The Hon. the Colonial Secretary, Wellington. Superintendent.

No. 20. The Hon. W. Gisboene to His Honor A. P. Setmoue. (No. 271.) Colonial Secretary's Office, Sie, — Wellington, 31st August, 1871. With reference to " The Roads Act Amendment Act, 1871," enclosed in your letter of the 24th instant, I have to inform your Honor that the Government are advised that the Bill is ultra vires, as it creates a Court of Appeal against rates. The Governor, therefore, cannot be advised to assent to it. I have, &c, His Honor the Superintendent, Marlborough. W. Gisboene.

No. 21. His Honor W. Rolleston to the Hon. W. Gisboene. Sib, — Superintendent's Office, Christchurch, 23rd December, 1870. I have the honor to transmit herewith copies of the under-mentioned Ordinances passed by the Provincial Council, to which I have assented on behalf of His Excellency tho Governor, viz.:— "Imprest Supply Ordinance, 1870." " Imprest Supply Ordinance, No. 2, 1870. "The Diversion of Roads Special Ordinance, No. 2, 1870." "The Superintendent's Salary Ordinance, 1870." " The Education Ordinance 1864 Amendment Ordinance, 1570." "The Educational Reserves Leasing Ordinance, No. 2, 1870." " The Fencing Ordinance 1869 Amendment Ordinance, 1870." "The Appropriation Ordinance, 1870." With regard to the Fencing Ordinance 1869 Amendment Ordinance, I have the honor to request that you will be good enough to advise the Governor to disallow it if, in the opinion of the AttorneyGeneral, it would have the effect of repealing the Ordinance of 1869. I have, &c, W. Rolleston, The Hon. the Colonial Secretary, Wellington. Superintendent.

No. 22. The Hon. W. Gisboene to His Honor W. Rolleston. Sie, — Colonial Secretary's Office, Wellington, 10th January, 1871. I have the honor to acknowledge the receipt of your letter No. 515, of the 23rd ultimo, transmitting the Ordinances named below,* passed by the Provincial Council of Canterbury, to which your Honor had assented on behalf of His Excellency the Governor. In reply, I have to inform your Honor that His Excellency- has not been advised to exercise his power of disallowance in respect to the " Imprest Supply Ordinance, 1870." " Imprest Supply Ordinance, No. 2,1570." " The Diversion of Roads Special Ordinance, No. 2, 1870." •'The Superintendent's Salary Ordinance, 1870." "The Education Ordinance 1864 Amendment Ordinance, 1870." " The Educational Reserves Leasing Ordinance, No. 2, 1870;" and "The Appropriation Ordinance, 1870." With respect to " The Fencing Ordinance 1569 Amendment Ordinance, 1870," His Excellency, at your Honor's request, has been advised to disallow it, and a Proclamation of such disallowance will be prepared accordingly for His Excellency's signature. I have, &c, :i' His Honor the Superintendent, Canterbury. W. Gisboene. *"The Imprest Supply Ordinance, 1870;" "The Imprest Supply Ordinance, No. 2, 1870;" "The Diversion of TCoads Special Ordinance, No. 2, 1870;" "The Superintendent's Salary Ordinance, 1870;" "The Education Ordinance 18C4 Amendment Ordinance, 1870; "The Edticatioral Reserves Leasing Ordinance, No. 2, 1870;" "The Fencing Ordinance 1859 Amendment Ordinance, 1870;" "The Appropriation Ordinance, 1870."