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H.—No. 14.



Major Campbell, Clerk to tho House of Eepresentatives, handed in to the Committee four packages, which were marked A, B, C, and D, respectively, and signed by tho Chairman, and stated -they were received from the Returning Officer at Motueka. The Chairman: Did you receive those packages in the usual manner ?—Tes. I received them through the Post Office. Are these packets in precisely the same condition as when you received them ?—Tes; the packets are precisely in the same condition as when I received them, on the 3rd March, 1871. Major Campbell here stated that he had observed in one of the morning papers a report of last meeting, in which Mr. Allan was reported as saying that " he had found difficulty in getting those papers from the unwillingness of the Clerk of the House to produce them." Major Campbell further stated that, as Clerk of the House, he could not furnish the papers without being summoned to do so by competent authority, and that otherwise he had no possible personal feeling in the retention or delivery of the papers. Mr. Allan here explained that what he meant by his remarks to the Chairman at the last meeting was, that without the summons he applied for, tho officers in charge of the papers could not deliver them up. The Committee expressed themselves as perfectly satisfied that there was no unwillingness on the part of Major Campbell to produce the papers asked for, and that he had only acted in accordance with his duty. Major Campbell then withdrew. Mr. Allan addressed the Committee in support of the petition. Mr. Allan called Mr. G. S. Cooper, Clerk of the Writs, who appeared before the Committee, and produced the writ of election, with the return indorsed thereon. This officer also complained of the remarks of Mr. Allan at the late meeting, as reported. The Committee expressed themselves as satisfied with the course pursued by Mr. Cooper. Mr. Cooper retired. Mr. Allan called the petitioner, Mr. Parker, who was sworn by the Chairman, and being questioned by Mr. Allan, stated : I am the person whose name appears on the roll of tho Electoral District of Motueka, No. 178. I was one of two candidates for election for the District of Motueka at the last election. Sir David Monro was the other candidate. There were 193 votes for each, and the Returning Officer gave his casting vote in favour of Sir David Monro. I voted for myself. Mr. Allan then called Mr. William Bell, who was examined by Mr. Allan, and cross-examined by Mr. Travers, after being sworn by the Chairman, and duly cautioned that he was not bound to state anything that might tend to criminate himself. This witness's evidence was taken down and ordered to be attached to tho proceedings. The Committee adjourned until to-morrow. Eeiday, Bth September, 1871. The Committee met pursuant to adjournment. Present : Mr. Bunny, • Mr. McGillivray, Hon. Mr. Eitzherbert, Mr. Pearce, Mr. Gillies, Mr. Studholme. Mr. Brandon in the Chair. A short-hand writer attended, and took down the proceedings at length. Mr. Allan called Diedrich Bosselmann, who was duly sworn and examined. During the examination of this witness the room was cleared, for the purpose of enabling the Committee to consider in private what evidence was to be admitted before them. The Committee deliberated, and agreed that the Counsel should confine themselves to strict rules of evidence, and any question outside those rules should, if necessary, be put by the Chairman. The parties were called in, and Counsel being informed of the decision arrived at by the Committee, Diedrich Bosselmann's examination was continued. , This witness withdrew. Mr. Allan called Frederick Ducker, who, being duly sworn, was examined through an interpreter. This witness withdrew. Mr. Travers addressed the Committee, and submitted that no prima facie case had been made out. Mr. Allan opposed this, and addressed the Committee in support of petitioner's case. The room was again cleared, for the purpose of deliberating on the proceedings. The Committee deliberated, and adjourned till 1030 a.m. to-morrow.

Saturday, 9th Septembee, 1871. The Committee met pursuant to adjournment. Present: Mr. Bunny, I Mr. McGillivray, Hon. Mr. Eitzherbert, Mr. Pearce, Mr. Gillies, Mr. Studholme. Mr. Brandon in the Chair. A short-hand writer attended. The examination of witnesses was continued. Johann Henry Sixtus appeared before the Committee, was duly sworn by the Chairman, and after being examined by Mr. Allan, and cross-examined by Mr. Travers, withdrew. 2