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The Committee to whom the Petition of Charles Parker against the return of Sir David Monro as Member for the District of Motueka, in the Province of Nelson, was referred, beg to report as follows : — (1.) That Sir David Monro was not duly elected as Member for the District of Motueka. (2.) That Charles Parker, Esquire, was duly elected and ought to have been returned as Member for the District of Motueka. A. de B. Bkandoit, . . 20th September, 1871. Chairman.

PROCEEDINGS OF THE COMMITTEE. Monday, 23ed August, 1871. The Committee met pursuant to order at 10 o'clock a.m. Pbesent : Mr. Bunny, Mr. McGillivray, Hon. Mr. Fitzherbert, Mr. Pearce, Mr. Gillies, Mr. Studholme. Mr. Brandon in the Chair. The petition was read. Mr. Allan, counsel for petitioner, being asked by the Chairman on what allegations in petition he proposed producing evidence, stated, that he should confine himself to the cases of personation by Hagan and Tomlinson, and the bribery and treating. Mr. Travers objected to the jurisdiction of the Committee, and submitted that the Committee is not legally constituted, and referred to clauses 19 to 25, both inclusive, of " The Electoral Petitions Act 1858." Mr. Allan then asked for an adjournment until sth September next, for the purpose of obtaining necessary witnesses from the Province of Nelson in support of the petition. Mr. Gillies moved, That the Chairman do apply to the House for leave to adjourn the Committee until sth September next, for the purpose of enabling petitioner to obtain material witnesses from the Province of Nelson. Agreed to. The Committee then adjourned till 2 o'clock p.m., to-morrovr.

Thursday, 24th August, 1871. The Committee met pursuant to adjournment. Pbesekt : Hon. Mr. Eitzherbert, Mr. Studholme. Mr. Pearce, Mr. Brandon in the Chair. The Chairman reported that he had applied to the House for leave to adjourn the Committee until sth September next, in accordance with the resolution passed yesterday by the Committee, and that the House had granted leave. The Committee then adjourned till Tuesday, sth September next, at 10 o'clock a.m.