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H.—No. 13.

Your Committee have the honor to report, that after examining into the customs with regard to payment of Members in different countries, they have unanimously agreed to recommend the adoption of the following resolutions : — "That the payment of Members be fixed at £105 per regular session, 40s. per diem beingdeducted for each sitting day a Member may be absent from attendance, unless the Member be prevented from attendance by illness; special Sessions if any to be paid for at the rate of 20s. per day." " That, in the opinion of the Committee, the scale of payment of Members proposed above shall commence from and include the present Session, and shall be exclusive of travelling expenses to and from Parliament." William Fitzherbert, October 31st, 1871. Chairman. Friday, 27th October, 1871. The Committee met pursuant to notice. Present: Mr. Bunny, Mr. Reynolds, Hon. Mr. Fitzherbert, Mr. Swanson. Mr. Lightband, Hon. Mr. Fitzherbert was elected Chairman. The Committee was adjourned until Monday next, at 10.30 -o'clock. Monday, 30th October, 1870. The Committee met pursuant to adjournment. Present : Mr. Bunny, Mr. Swanson, Mr. Lightband, Mr. Thomson. Mr. Reynolds, Mr. Bunny in the Chair. The minutes of the last meeting were read and confirmed. Mr. Swanson read the following statement, showing what honorarium is paid to Members of Parliament in various parts of the world: — Spain.-—Nothing. Victoria. —£300 per annum. Switzerland.—l 2 francs a day, and 1 franc 50 centimes per diem travelling expenses. America, 1866. —Senator, Member, or Delegate, £1,041 13s. 4d. per annum, and mileage 20 cents per mile to and from Congress; but mileage is only granted for two Sessions in each Congress. Canada, 1867.—£1 ss. per day, if not over thirty days; if over that £125, and no more in any case, but personal attendance is insisted on. Newfoundland.—President of Legislative Council, ,§240; each Member, $120; the Speaker of the House of Assembly, $923; Members resident at outposts, $291 each; Members resident in capital, $194 each. Holland. —Upper House, nothing; Lower House, £161 each, and mileage. Belgium.—Upper House, nothing; Lower House, £16 15s. Id. each monthly, during sitting, for Members from out-districts. Members resident in capital are not paid. Sweden, 1865. —Upper House, nothing; Lower House, £66 13s. 4d. for an ordinary Session, and travelling expenses in ordinary cases; if otherwise, about 10s. lid. per day : £66 13s. 4d. is the maximum. Norway.—Members of both Houses get 13s. 3|d. per day, and all costs to and fro. Portugal.—Upper House nothing; Lower House, 10s. per day for the Session. Greece.—Senators, 500 drachmas = £17 15s. 2d. each per month, not limited to the Session; Representatives, 250 drachmas per month = £8 17s. 7d. during the Session.