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H.—No. 11



Vide Appendix, Interim Report Wo. 2.

On the motion of Mr. Creighton, it was ordered that a copy of the Report be attached to the proceedings. The orders of reference Nos. 8 and 9 were read. The Petition of George M. Starkey and others, residents in the Nevis District, relative to the Water Supply Vote, was read and taken into consideration. On the motion of Mr. O'Neill, it was resolved, That the consideration of the petition from Nevis stand over until the Committee have come to some conclusion upon the general subject of Part 111. of "The Immigration and Public W Torks Act, 1870." On the motion of Mr. Macandrew, it was resolved, That the Government be requested to furnish the Committee with copies of all correspondence now in its hands on the subject of Water Supply on the Gold Fields. The order of reference No. 8 was taken into consideration; and on the motion of Mr. Gillies, it was resolved, That this Committee is of opinion that miners rights should not be issued for a period of less than twelve months. The order of reference No. 9 was taken into consideration; and on the motion of Mr. Gillies, it was proposed, That it is not expedient to reduce the miners' rights fees from £1 to 10s. And the question having been put, the Committee divided, and the names were taken down as follows :— Ayes, 4. Noes, 1. Mr. Creighton, Mr. O'Neill. Mr. Gillies, Mr. Harrison, Mr. Macandrew. So it was resolved in the affirmative. The Committee adjourned until Thursday, the 7th instant.

Thursday, 7th September, 1871. The number of members present not being sufficient to form a quorum, the meeting lapsed, and the Committee stood adjourned until Thursday, the 14th September. ♦

Thursday, 14th September, 1871. The Committee met pursuant to summons. Present: Mr. Bradshaw, Mr. Mervyn, Mr. Curtis, Mr. O'Neill, Mr. Gillies, Mr. T: L. Shepherd, Mr. Harrison, Mr. Tribe. Mr. Haughton in the Chair. The minutes of the last meeting were read and confirmed. The Chairman informed the Committee that he had submitted to the House Interim Report No. 2, embodying the resolutions passed at the last meeting, and it was ordered that a copy of the Report be attached to the proceedings. The Chairman laid before the Committee correspondence which he had received from the Government on the subject of water supply to the gold fields. Portions of the correspondence were read. On the motion of Mr. Harrison it was proposed, That the Committee is of opinion that, execept in special cases, it is not expedient that the Government should itself undertake the construction and management of works for water supply upon the gold fields. A discussion ensued, and various papers bearing on the subject were read and considered ; and the motion having been put, the Committee divided, and the names were taken down as follows : — Ayes, 4. Noes, 2. Mr. Curtis, Mr. Bradshaw, Mr. Gillies, Mr. O'Neill. Mr. Harrison, Mr. Mervyn. So it was resolved in the affirmative. (3lr. Tribe and 3fr. Shepherd had left the Committee Soom before the division was taken.) On the motion of Mr. Harrison it was resolved, Tnat the amount devoted to the construction of works for water supply on the gold fields by " The Public Works and Immigration Act, 1870,'" would be more effectively and advantageously expended in association with private enterprise by advances of one-third of the capital necessary for works carefully considered and approved by the Board of Works, —care being taken to protect the public from excessive charges