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It—No. fc-4

mittee, that his mind was warped by previous antagonism to the Commissioner of Telegraphs ; and that the whole of his accusations and beliefs —although by the peculiar circumstances of the case they may have been justified in the first instance—were not justifiable after the evidence which explained away his misapprehensions was in his possession. The Committee desire to record their opinion that the evidence of one witness (Mr. Hart) is an example of the most reckless and wicked conduct; and that unfounded reports such as those spread by that witness have caused great uneasiness in the public mind as to the integrity of the Telegraph Department, and entailed unnecessary expense on the public. The Committee, notwithstanding the expense incurred in conducting the inquiry, believe that good has resulted from it, through its having established the integrity of the Telegraph Department. The evidence taken during the sitting of the Committee, and documents referring to the question, are appended to the Keport and Minutes of Proceedings. E. W. Stafford, Chairman.