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G.—No. 15.



(on our being sworn in to the company of Forest Rangers, of which you were in command) held a Memorandum from the Defence Minister, which was read to each as we were sworn, and entitled each, at the expiration of his time of service, to a grant of land, which you said was to be at no other place than Rangiawhia. It is now over twelve months since wo were disbanded, and during that time we have not heard one word concerning our promised grant of laud. Whose fault is it ? Why ! yours, and not the Government's. Rangiawhia is now being divided to other corps; and you are of course too late (at least we think so). It is your duty I believe, being commander of that force, to bring the matter before the notice of the Government, and why have you not done it? Is it becauso you have already received yours, and don't care one rap what becomes of our land ? At any rate it seems a great deal like it. In conclusion, I may add that I cannot for one moment think that the Government, with so clear a contract before its eyes, would be guilty of such an act of despicable baseness as to endeavour to repudiate our claims, based as they are upon His Excellency's word of honor, Russell's Memorandum, and three months of the hardest and most valuable service that the Colony ever paid for. I leave it now to you, being your duty to see into the matter, and hope soon to hear of something favourable. I now beg to sign myself, Your most, Ac, Fred. Russell.

Enclosure 2 in No. 28. Lieutenant Roberts and others to Major Jackson. Sic, — Cambridge, 25th January, 1865. As members of the old corps of Forest Rangers, we would respectfully beg to remind you, its commanding officer, that, as the Waikato regiments are about to receive their land, the time has arrived when our claim for services in the above corps should be no longer neglected; and we request that you would use your best endeavours to forward our interests in the; proper quarter. AYe have, Ac, J. M. Roberts, Lieut., 2nd Coy. Forest Rangers. Alex. S. Sherhet, Ensign, 2nd Coy. Forest Rangers. Edward G. McMinn, Staff Scrgt., 2nd Coy. Forest Rangers. Henrt Soutuee, Sergt., 2nd Coy. Forest Rangers. his Thomas Buttler, x Private, 2nd Coy. Forest Rangers. mark Thomas Keena, Private, 2nd Coy. Forest Rangers. Submitted to fhc Hon. the Defence Minister. 27th January, 1865. Wm. Jackson, Major.

Enclosure 3 in No. 28. Mr. R. Alexander and others to Major Jackson. Sic, — Camp Forest Rangers, 25th January, 1865. AYe have the honor to request that you will inform us if land has been set apart for us, for services performed in the Corps of Forest Rangers, raised on or about the 6th August, and disbanded on or about the 10th November, 1863, in accordance with the terms under which we wero enrolled. AYe have, Ac, Robert Alexander, John Carter, John Rouen, Jamks Watters, AVilliam Wells, He.nhy Long, Henht Hendrt, Thomas Holden, Stephen Mahonet, his x mark. Chas. AVkstkup, Lieut. Richard Bell, No. 1 Coy., Forest Rangers. Major Jackson, Forest Rangers. Submitted to the Hon. the Defence Minister. Wm. Jackson, Commanding Forest Rangers.

. No. 29. Major Jackson to Colonel De Quinct. Sir— Camp Kihi-kihi, 7th March, 1865. I have the honor to request that you will bring to the notice of Colonel Haultain, Commanding AVaikato Militia, the enclosed statement of Lieutenant Westrup, of my company of Forest Rangers, for the purpose of being forwarded to the Hon. the Minister for Colonial Defence. I have, Ac, AVm. Jackson, Major, Commanding Forest Rangers. Colonel De Quincy, Military Secretary, Alexandra. Memorandum (No. 224-G5) forwarded for the consideration of the Hon. the Minister for Colonial