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G.— No. 15.



accordance with instructions you received in the month of August last year. lam directed by the Minister for Colonial Defence to inform you in reply, that the Government recognize the claims of yourself and your men to a grant of good land, in accordance with His Excellency's promise made to you at the time named, and that you should be located at Rangiawhia. But lam to state, that as the present Ministry retires from office in a few days, they can do nothing more than recognize the claim which you prefer. Major William Jackson, I have, Ac, Commanding Forest Rangers, Auckland. William Seed.

No. 19. Scaik of Pat of Forest Bangers. s. d. 1 Captain ... ... 20 0 per diem, less lOd. per diem for rations. „ ... ... 3 0 per diem forage allowance. „ ... ... 10 per diem contingent allowance. 1 Lieutenant ... ... 14 0 per diem, less lOd. per diem for rations. 1 Ensign ... .... 12 0 „ „ Staff-Sergeant ... ... 8 6 Sergeant ... ... 7 6 „ „ Corporal ... ... 6 0 „ „ Bugler ... ... 5 0 „ „ Private ... ... 5 0 „ „ Chaeles Knigiit, 25th November, 1864. , Auditor.

No. 20. Major Jackson to the Hon. T. Russell. Sir,— Auckland, 28th October, 1864. I have the honor to request that you will inform me if I shall be allowed to draw lots with Major Hill, 2nd AVaikato Militia, for priority of choice for country sections of land; and if not, how shall I select my land ? I have, Ac, William Jackson, Major, The Hon. Thomas Russell, Commanding Forest Rangers, 2nd AVaikato Militia. Colonial Defence Office, Auckland.

No. 21. Minute by the Hon. T. Russell. Replt.—That the Government propose to give the Forest Rangers a separate block of land, which, if done, will avoid the necessity of deciding the question raised in this letter. 16th November, 1864. T.R. [Letter to Major Jackson, No. 2,557,18 th November, 1864, attached.]

No. 22. Mr. W. Seed to Major Jackson. (No. 2,557.) Colonial Defence Office, Sir,— Auckland, 18th November, 1864. I have the honor to acknowledge the receipt of your letter of the 28th ultimo, and am directed to inform you in reply, that the Government propose to give the Forest Rangers a separate block of land, which, if done, will avoid the necessity of deciding the question raised in your letter as to priority of choice for country sections of land. I have, Ac, Major William Jackson, William Seed. Commanding Forest Rangers, Auckland.

No. 23. Major Jackson to the Hon. T. Russell. Sir,— Auckland, 12th November, 1564. I have the honor to request that you will cause my company of Forest Rangers to be detached from the 2nd Waikato Militia, for the following reasons, namely:—That I consider my company entitled to a special section of land, which it will not get whilst attached to the 2nd Waikato Militia, as each company will have to draw lots. That, whilst lam in the 2nd AVaikato Militia, some officers command me who otherwise w rould not. That I have great difficulty in getting men discharged, in room of substitutes. I have to get a particular class of men, and when I have found them I have to wait, from one week to one month, as the papers, Ac, have to pass through so many offices, which would be obviated were I made independent of the regiment.