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G.—No. 14.



"The Hon. Mr. Vogel will be much obliged if you will prepare an estimate for cloth-dressing (or finishing) machinery, such as you promised me, in time to allow of his receiving it here not later than Saturday, the 24th instant, as he leaves London for New Zealand early on the 26 th. " During our conversation, you said that you might be disposed to make an offer to send out the necessary machinery for dressing New Zealand made cloth, upon terms with the Government, in the shape of a guarantee or bonus. " I am authorized by Mr. A 7ogel to repeat that the Government will be happy to receive and will favourably consider any reasonable offer you may be able to make, involving the payment of an amount per cent, per annum for a specified period on the cost of completing a Cloth-dressing Mill in New Zealand, or the payment to you of one fixed sum as a bonus in aid of that cost, leaving you to conduct the business and to receive all profits, but subject to an agreement as to the maximum charge per piece for dressing cloth sent to and taken from the mill at the manufacturer's cost and risk. It would be desirable that the charge for dressing should not exceed, or should very little exceed, that made by the best English dressers. " I am also authorized to state that, in case of an agreement with you, the Government would provide free passages to tho Colony for the workpeople necessary to set up and start the machinery. " I am not able to give you an estimate of the number of pieces of cloth that would probably be sent per year to be dressed during the first few years. Any calculation for a guarantee or bonus should bo based upon the fact that the manufacture of cloth is in its infancy in New Zealand, and the certainty that it would grow rapidly if there existed such a dressing-mill as that which the Government desire to see established. " As I told you during our conversation, water-power is abundant in all parts of New Zealand ; and men and girls fit to undertake the ordinary work could be easily obtained. " I have, Ac, "T. Robinson, Esq., Millgarth Mill, Leeds." "E. Fox. Estimate of Machinery by Fairburn, Kennedy, and Naylor, Leeds, to the Hon. J. Vogel. Machinery for Manufacturing Sacking, Ac, from jute, flax tow, or hemp tow. Spinning Machinery to produce from 11 to 2 tons of yarn per day often hours. Warps. 1 Shell Breaker Card, 4 ft. by 6 ft. cylinder, with covering complete ...") 1 Circular Finisher Card, 4 ft. by 6 /t. cylinder, with four pairs of rollers, two doffers, and covering complete 1 Patent Circular Gill, first drawing frame, two bosses, 17 in. width of gi11... 1 Second Spiral Drawing Frame, two heads, four bosses per head, 6 in. width of I «, ~., ,„ n gill, leather pressing ... ... ... ... ... ... ' 1 Regulating Spiral Roving Frame, forty-eight spindles, 10 by 5 in. bobbin, leather pressing 3 Double Dry Spinning Frames, 124 spindles, each 4 in. pitch, 4 in. traverse double cylinders ... ... ... ... ... ...J Wefts. 1 Shell Breaker Card, 4 ft. by 6 ft. cylinder, with covering complete ..." 1 Shell Finisher Card, 4 ft. by 6 ft. cylinder, one doffer and covering complete 1 Patent Circular Gill, first drawing frame, two bosses, 17 in. width of gi11... 1 Patent Circular Gill, second drawing frame, four bosses, 8 in. width of gi11... 0 0 1 Regulating Rotary Roving Frame, forty-eight spindles, 10 by 5 in. bobbin, leather pressing 2 Double Dry Spinning Frames, 100 spindles each, 5 in. pitch, 5 in. traverse double cylinders ... ... ... ... ... ...j Approximate cost of Twenty Sacking Power-Looms. Looms, 42 in. reed space, with 3-foot twilling motions, fitted with all the latest improvements, and ten extra yarn beams ... ... ... ... £672 0 0 Preparing Machinery for the above Looms, consisting of — 1 Patent Cop Winding Machine, thirty-six spindles ... ... ..."1 1 Warp Winding Machine, thirty-six spindles ... ... ... J 1 Beaming Machine with banks complete . ... ... ... ... ! r?, r q io r, 60 Shuttles, 60 pairs of pickers, 10 gross of warping bobbins ... ... j 1 Three-Bowled Calendering Machine, with two rollers of paper and one of ] iron ... ... ... ... ... ... ...J Packed and delivered f.o.b. Liverpool or London. Payment —one-third when the order is given in cash bills on London, net; and two-thirds when the machines are ready for delivery, also in cash bills on London, net. Leeds, 6th June, 1871. The power required to drive the foregoing machines will be about 90 indicated H.P. The workpeople necessary for the foregoing machines will be about sixty girls and women, about six or eight little girls and boys, and six or eight men.