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a.— No. 14.


No. 1. Memorandum of action taken in accordance with Resolutions of the Joint Committee on Colonial Industries, 1870. The following resolution of tho House of Representatives was passed on 10th September, 1870, but owing to the late period of the Session the supply was not taken: — Resolution. " That a respectful address be presented to His Excellency requesting that he will cause to be placed on the Supplementary Estimates such sum as may be necessary for the purpose of giving effect to the recommendation of the said Committee." Ministers were therefore limited to action that required only such small expenditure as might be defrayed from " General Contingencies." Resolution I. — Water Supply. Each district for which a water supply in connection with the gold fields is required has been surveyed, and the necessary plans and sections have been obtained by the Public Works Department. Papers relative to these proposed schemes have been laid before Parliament. In the event of any legislative action being undertaken, the appended memorandum by the Hon. the Minister of Justice is suggestive. Resolutions 11., 111., and IV. — Gold Fields Law. The recommendations in these resolutions admit of no action without legislation, and the evidence obtained by the Committee, on some points at least, does not appear to have been conclusive. Resolution V.— Rewards for Mines. The difficulty of defining when a " Mine " of tin or other ore is to be considered not only remunerative to the discoverers but of importance to the interests of the country, prevented any practical effect being given to this resolution, as it would involve the promise of a very considerable sum of money on terms that are not clearly set forth. Resolution A 7!.— Development of Coal Fields. The best line for a railway for the purpose of connecting the Grey River Coal Mines with a port has been made the subject of careful inquiry, and the views in the report on the subject which has been laid before Parliament have been adopted by Government. Reports on the extent and value of the Coal Mines on the West Coast and in other parts of the Colony have been prepared by the Geological Department. Resolution A^II. — Planting of Forest Trees. The recommendations in this resolution have been dealt with by the Provincial Governments of Canterbury and Otago; and as the Council of the former Province has passed a resolution undertaking to pay a proportion of the expense of procuring the seed of valuable trees from California, measures have been taken to secure a large supply. Reports have also been requested as to the success which has attended the introduction of the seeds during last year. Resolution VIII. — Sericulture. The recommendation in this resolution has been given effect to —Mr. Batchelor having fulfilled the conditions of planting five acres with mulberry trees, which will be used hereafter for distribution. Resolution IX.— Sericiculture. Rewards were offered in the terms of this resolution. (See Gazette, No. 8, p. 8, 1871.) Resolution X.— Bonus on Manufactures. This resolution is of a character that can only be dealt with by legislation. Resolution XL Practical effect was given to those suggestions in this resolution on which the Government possessed-sufficient information, by the offering of reward for certain articles. (.See Gazette, No. 8, p. 80, 1871.) Respecting the other suggestions, further inquiries were instituted, as shown in the reports and correspondence attached, and also in the Report of the Flax Commissioners.