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G —No. 13



cost of the gun would be reduced to £244 125., and that of the gun, carriage, and platform to £300 6s. 6d. The coat of the 63-inch (64-pounder) rifled guns would be as follows: — £ s. d. Cast-iron casing, 56 cwt. at ss. per cwt. ... ... .14 0 0 Conversion ... ... ... ... ... 130 0 0 Sights and sighting ... ... ... ..'. 8 10 0 Proof ... ... ... ... ... 6 11 6 Freight from Woolwich to Newcastle and back ... ... 600 Total cost 6-3-inch (64-pounder) gun of 61 cwt. ... £165 1 6 Carriage (wood garrison), half-price ... ... ... 21 17 6 Dwarf traversing platform, half-price ... ... 31 15 6 Total cost of 63-inch gun, carriage, and platform, delivered at Woolwich ... ... ... ... £218 14 6 I request you will have the goodness to call the attention of the Government of Victoria to the fact of the above being remarkable bargains, which afford great advantages. In conclusion, I beg to inform you that 100 converted rifled guns, complete, could be supplied within five months of the receipt of the order. I have, &c. W. Pallisee, The Hon. George Verdon, C.8., &c. Major unattached.