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G.-No. Su

Council, and have advised His Excellency to approve of the regulations passed during this Session and that held at Dunedin, or else that the Council shall have been informed of the exact nature of any objections, and of the amendments required. This arrangement will place the Council in a position, at its next meeting, at once to make any additions or alterations, and then without delay to proceed to business. The Council is of opinion, as will be seen by the enclosed resolution, that the present Act is sufficient for the purposes contemplated by it, supposing that tho Government would be willing to co-operate ; but the Council cannot disguise from itself that the University can be of very little service to the Colony, if the impediments which have hitherto crippled the proceedings, and placed it in a state of forced inaction, are not removed. I have, &c. Henry John Tancred, The Hon. the Colonial Secretary, Wellington. Chancellor.

Enclosure in No. 5. Resolution. Resolved, (in reference to the Bill now before the House, intituled a Bill to repeal " Tho University Act, 1870,") That this Council are satisfied that, although the Act of 1870 is capable of amendment in detail, they will find no real difficulty in maturing an effective scheme of education under the provisions of that Act; and that this Council is in no way responsible for the several hindrances which have intervened.