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&.—No. 8,

(2.) The giving effect to, and bringing into practical operation, all resolutions, statutes, or regulations of the Council.

No. 21. Mr. Tanceed to the Hon. W. Gisbobne. Sib, — University of New Zealand, Dunedin, 16th June, 1871. I have been instructed by this Council to forward, for the information of Government, the enclosed resolutions. I have, Ac, Henet John Tancbed, The Hon. the Colonial Secretary, Wellington. Chancellor.

Enclosure 1 in No. 21. Eesolution of the Council of the New Zealand University. 7th June, 1871. Resolved, —That H. J. Tancred, Esq., be elected Chancellor, and that Hugh Carleton, Esq., be elected Vice-Chancellor; the term of office of Chancellor to be fixed two years from the present date, and that of the Vice-Chancellor for the same term.

Enclosure 2 in No. 21. Eesolution of the Council of tho New Zealand University. 14th June, 1871. Resolved, —That for the removal of doubt, any telegram received on official business by any officer of the Council of the New Zealand University may be considered and treated as a letter received from the person whose signature shall have been lawfully attached to the said telegram.

Enclosure 3 in No. 21. Eesolution of the Council of the New Zealand University. Resolved, —That the blazon of the University Seal be as follows: —Within a circular ribbon, and on a ground diapree in antique escocheon, bearing azure between four estoils of eight points in cross argent, a book open fesswise of the same, edged and indexed proper. Motto, on an escroll argent, fimbricated gules surmounting the ground diapree and passing behind the escocheon, the words — " Sapere Aude."

No. 22. The Hon. W. Gisbobne to Mr. Tanceed. Sib, — Colonial Secretary's Office, Wellington, 3rd July, 1871. I have the honor to acknowledge the receipt of your letters, noted in the margin, relating to various matters connected with the New Zealand University. These papers have been laid before the Attorney-General, and it will, I think, be convenient to apprise you generally of the conclusions arrived at by the Government, after consultation with that officer, in reference to. the action taken by the University Council. In doing so, I trust that you will need no assurance from me that the Colonial Government are earnestly desirous of rendering every assistance in their power to the Council of the University. This has been shown by the readiness with which they have placed the funds appropriated for the present year's service at the disposal of the University. But the Council of the University have, as the Government are advised, overlooked, or misapprehended, some of the most important provisions of the University Act. Its obvious intention is, that the University shall be founded at some given place: if amalgamated with the University of Otago, then at Dunedin; otherwise, at such other place within the Colony as the Governor, with the advice of His Executive Council, may direct. It seems that the respective Councils of the two Universities were unable to agree as to the terms of amalgamation, the result being to prevent the New Zealand University being established at Dunedin ; but no steps have been taken, in accordance with the Act, to found it elsewhere. It may be necessary for this purpose that action should be taken by the Governor in Council. But, in reference to this point, I enclose a copy of a letter from the Vice-Chancellor of the University of Otago, in which he states that the latter body feels itself aggrieved that the union of the two Universities has been prevented by tho Council of the New Zealand University resolving not to fix upon any particular place in the Colony as a permanent site. Under these circumstances, it is, in the opinion of the Government, open to grave doubt whether, as yet, the University of New Zealand is capable of exercising its functions in the manner and to the extent which it has purported and proposes to do. As regards the appropriation of the University funds, the Government have, at the request of yourself as Chancellor,

chancellor of University to Colonial Treasurer, J* J e » f , j une § 1871. ' Ditto to Coloniaf Secretary, covering three resolutions, j^-—jp I°7l- — *°' ?' t t an( j -emulations June 16,1871. Ditto, ditto, enclosing copy of y^versity seal, une '