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G-.—No. 4.

26. New dwarf variety of variegated flax from Auckland.—Exhd. by Lady Bowen. 27. Variegated flax.—Exhibited by Mr. A de B. Brandon, M.H.R. 28. Aspidistra lurida, China. —Exhibited by Mr. G. Hall. 29. Ti-tawhiti, edible cabbage tree. Cordyline (species), per Hon. W. D. Mantel! 30. Ti-rauriki. Cordyline pumili, do. 31. Leaf of aloe. Agave americana. 32. Seeds of Phormium tenax (New Zealand Flax).

CLASS I. B.—DIAGEAMS. Diagram A. —Section of compound rhizome or prostrate stem of Phormium tenax, showing— a. Main axis or central stem, from which a flower stalk (the terminal axis of the plant) has been given off at b. c. Lateral shoots forming new leaf buds, and ultimately fans that accumulate nourishment at the base of their leaves, throw out rootlets and finally become independent of the parent plant, as at d, e. First stage of buds from which lateral shoots spring. Diagram B. —Section of root of Phormium tenax in best condition for transplanting showing— a. mass of fibrous, starchy and resinous matter accumulated for the nourishment of the future flower-stalk and lateral buds. b. Cortex layer, formed from the bases of the old leaves. c. Rootlets. Diagram C. —Underground stem of Manunu (one of the best varieties of Phormium tenax) showing — a. Main axis that has flowered and completed its life. b. Lateral shoot by which the life of the plant is continued. Diagram D. —Sections showing the microscopic structure of the leaf of the Phormium tenax, by T. Nottidge, Esq. — a. Bundle of fibre. b. Cellular tissue containing chlorophyle, &c. c. Polished upper surface of leaf. d. Spiral tissue. Diagram F. —Sections showing the microscopic structure of the leaf of the Phormium tenax, by Dr. Knight. Diagram F. —Showing the way in which different samples of flax broke. Diagram G. —Sections showing the microscopic structures of the leaf of the Phormium Tenax, by Captain F. W. Hutton :— Fig. I. Half of young leaf x 16. 11. Portion of leaf when one inch in length x 25. 111. End of fibre x 300. IV. Section through butt x 3 I) VI. [ Portions of fig. IV. x 34. VII.) VIII. Section of leaf x 34. IX. Margin of leaf x 34. X. Section of vascular bundle and cellular tissue with passages at base of leaf x 34. XI. Section of part of a bundle of fibres.