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P.—No. S.


No. 133. The Hon. D. McLean to Mr. E. W. Woon. (Telegram.) Government Buildings, 14th October, 1871. Matene agrees to leave Horowhenua till the arbitration is over. Donald McLean.

No. 134. Major Kemp to the Hon. D. McLean. (Telegram.) Wanganui, 15th October, 1871. I have received your telegram about Watene agreeing to remove from Horowhenua till arbitration is over. This is good, bis submitting to your requests. lam waiting to see Hunia, and discuss matters with him. Major Kemp, Per E. W. Woon, E.M.

No. 135. Mr. E. W. Woon to the Hon. D. McLean. (Telegram.) Wanganui, 16th October, 1871. I have sent for Kemp, to whom I will translate your two last telegrams, and get him to reply. I think he expects a further communication from you as to when you wish him to go to Wellington. E. W. Woon, E.M.

No. 136. Mr. M. Claeke to the Hon. D. McLean. (Telegram.) Otaki, 17th October, 1871. Nothing of any consequence took place at meeting on Satuarday. Tamihana informed them about his petition to H. G. A. lam afraid they are very pakeke about Te Watene. M. Claeke.