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E.—tNq. 4b



No. 125 of this series.

Nos. 125 and 126 of this series.

No. 128 of this series.

Have clause 40 made inoperative. Also, have clause 41 amended to read, that if the duty on New Zealand wool or flax is reduced one-half, that then we shall receive the whole of any subsidies which may be obtained from other Colonies, and without deducting from that now paid by the New Zealand Government,. .1 have, Ac,, The Hon. Julius Vogel, Postmaster-General. W. fi. Webb.

No. 126. Mr. Webb to the Hon. J. Vogel. United States, New Zealand, and Australia Mail Steamship Line Agency, Sir,— San Francisco, 19th July, 1871. Referring to mine of yesterday's date, in which, availing myself of your presence here, I made certain requests, and notwithstanding you declined to accede to said requests, I venture to call your attention still further to the subject, so all-important to the Government of New Zealand as well as the Contractors, trusting you will, during the voyage homeward, give the matter the consideration its importance demands, and on your return to Wellington bring the subject fully to the attention of your Government and Assembly. I shall, without delay, despatch a duly authorized agent to New Zealand, to treat with your Government, and by the steamer which leaves here in September next will come myself to Hew Zealand, to complete such negotiations as my agent may have entered upon. In the meantime, I shall proceed to New York, and complete such alterations to the steamer " Dacotah " as may be required for the service, and make the necessary arrangements to despatch her to the Pacific Ocean, and place her on the line. I have, Ac, The Hon. Julius Vogel, Postmaster-General. W. fi. AVebb.

No. 127. The Hon. J. A 7 ogel to Mr. AVebb. Sib, — San Francisco, California, 20th July, 1871. I have the honor to acknowledge the receipt of your letters of the 18th and the 19th instant, relating to the mail service to New Zealand. As I have already explained to you in conversation, I am not in a position either to make any alterations in the contract, or to express opinions which might more or less commit my Government. But I may repeat here what I have already stated to you, that I think you will act rightly in sending an agent to New Zealand by the outgoing mail steamer, and yourself following him, and that I am sure, consistently with what are considered by the Government and the Assembly the interests of the Colony, there will be a desire to show you the utmost consideration. You will understand that, in saying this, I am not expressing any opinion favourable to the propositions contained in your letter of the 18th instant. I have, Ac, W. H. Webb, Esq. Julius Vogel.

No. 128. Mr. Stewart to the Hon. J. Vogel. Sie,— Wellington, 25th August, 1871. Not having sufficient vessels available at present to carry out our mail service as contemplated, and finding that Mr. Hall's opposition line is operating detrimentally to the success of ours, I have the honor to request that you will be good enough to permit our steamers for the next four months to proceed direct from Auckland to Sydney, instead of down the coast to Port Chalmers. If you kindly grant this, I will make arrangements for the collection and delivery of mails at Wellington, Lyttelton, and Port Chalmers. I may inform you that the alterations to the " Dacotah" are being rapidly proceeded with. I have, Ac, The Hon. J. Vogel, AVellington. J. B. M. Stewart.

No. 129. The Hon. J. A 7 ogel to Mr. Stewart. Sir, — General Post Office, AVellington, 30th September, 1871. I have the honor to acknowledge your letter of the 25th instant, in which you state that, in consequence of not having sufficient vessels at present available to carry out the mail service between San Francisco and New Zealand and Australia, as contracted for, the Contractors are unable to compete successfully with the opposition line. You request permission, during the next four months, for tho steamer from Honolulu to proceed direct from Auckland to Sydney instead of down the coast to Port Chalmers, your Company undertaking to collect and deliver the mails during that period at the Ports of Wellington, Lyttelton, and Port Chalmers. In reply, I beg to inform you that I agree to permit the steamers from Honolulu, for the next four months, September, Octbber, November, and December, to proceed to Sydney from Auckland