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E.—No. 4b.



No. 120 of this series.

No. 122 of this series.

No. 121. Mr. E. Fox to Mr. Tilley. Sib, — Charing Cross Hotel, London, 28th April, 1871. I have been directed by the Hon. Mr. Vogel to acknowledge and reply to your letter of this day's date. Mr. Vogel much regrets that there has been unavoidable delay in communicating with the Post Office Department as to the new arrangements for the conveyance of mails to New Zealand and Australia by way of San Francisco ; but, prior to the receipt of your letter, he had been able to address the Right Hon. the Postmaster-General, requesting that the next mail might be made up here on the evening of Thursday, May 4th, and that a mail might also be made up on each fourth Thursday thereafter. A copy of the recently concluded contract has been forwarded to the Postmaster-General, and Mr. Vogel regrets that that copy was the only one in his possession. I have, Ac, J. Tilley, Esq., Ac. E. Fox.

No. 122. Mr. Noeeis to the Hon. J. Vogel. Office of the North Pacific Transportation Company, Sie, — San Francisco, 17th June, 1871. I am reminded by Mr. Webb that the completion of the mail contract between the New Zealand Government and Messrs. Webb and Holladay requires, on our part, an additional bondsman. We hope, within a short period, to organize the United States, New Zealand, and Australian Steamship Company for the purpose, in addition to carrying out the mail contract now existing, of more thoroughly developing the trade between the United States and New Zealand. I am informed that you have accepted Mr. Webb as one of the bondsmen for the faithful performance of the contract, and as attorney for Mr. Ben Holladay I propose that he shall be the other one. Independent of the earnest desire and intention of Messrs. AVebb and Holladay to faithfully perform their obligations, you will find, on inquiry, that Mr. Holladay's means are largely ample to justify your acceptance of his name. I have Ac, Ben Holladat, The Hon. Julius Vogel. Per Wm. Noeris, Attorney in fact.

No. 123. Mr. Webb to the Hon. J. Vogel. Sie, — San Francisco, 26th June, 1871. In anticipation of your arrival at New York in the early part of next month, I have reminded Mr. Wm. Norris, attorney in fact of Mr. Ben Holladay, that an additional bondsman, acceptable to you, is to be furnished to the postal contract existing with your Government. Mr. Norris wrote you, under date of June 17th, proposing Mr. Ben Holladay as such bondsman, forwarding the letter to Mr. Geo. H. Otis, at New York, also attorney for Mr. Ben Holladay, requesting him to hand the same to you on your arrival there. Mr. Otis is fully authorized to execute, on the part of Mr. Holladay, any necessary documents connected with the matter. I hope and trust the name of Mr. Ben Holladay as the additional bondsman will be accepted by Mr. Vogel on the part of his Government, for the reason that he is responsible, and also that another responsible bondsman, in a contract of such magnitude, which did not at first promise an immediate return, and, as apparent to any inquirer, does not now when in operation, cannot easily be obtained. I have, Ac, The Hon. Julius A'ogel, Postmaster-General of New Zealand W. H. Webb. [Mr. Vogel verbally intimated his acceptance of Mr. Holladay.]

No. 124. Bond of Mr. Ben Holladat. Know all men by these presents, that I, Ben Holladay, of the City, County, and State of New York, in the United States of America, am held and firmly bound unto the Hon. Julius Vogel, PostmasterGeneral of New Zealand, acting on behalf of the Government of New Zealand as such PostmasterGeneral, in the sum of £25,000 sterling, lawful money of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland, as liquidated damages, and not by way of penalty or otherwise, to be paid to the said Hon. Julius Vogel, Postmaster-General as aforesaid, or to his successor or successors in office, for which payment, well and truly to be made, I bind myself, my heirs, executors, and administrators, firmly by these presents. Sealed with my seal. Dated this 10th day of July, in the year 1871. Whereas, on or about the 7th day of March, in the year 1871, William H. Webb, of the City of New York, and the said Ben Holladay, of the one part, made and entered into a contract or agreement with the said the Hon. Julius A 7ogel of the other part, for the carrying of the mails and a steam service between San Francisco, New Zealand, and Australia, and on the said day duly made