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E.-No. 4.

Enclosure in No. 11. Messrs. Roxbubgh, Slade, and Spain to Captain Teouton. Sic, — Sydney, 27th October, 1870. Referring to your letter to the Hon. Julius Atogel, Postmaster-General, New Zealand, of tho 29th ultimo, enclosing a letter addressed to him by Mr. H. 11. Hall of the 29th ultimo, respecting the continued payment to your Company of certain moneys on account of subsidy moneys which may be or become payable to him under the agreement entered into with him by Mr. Vogel, as PostmasterGeneral of New Zealand, on behalf of the New Zealand Government, and to our letter to you thereon of said 29th ultimo, we are authorized to say that, in accordance with Mr. Hall's said letter, the Government of New Zealand will extend the guarantee contained in Mr. Vogel's letter to you of the 11th of January, 1870, and make the payments as therein for a second further period of one month in manner and upon and subject to the terms in Mr. Hall's said letter contained. AYe have, _c, Fred. Trouton, Esq., Manager, A.S.N. Co. .Roxbubgh, Slade, and Spain.

No. 12. The Hon. J. Vogel to the Hon. Dr. Pollen. Sic, — General Post Office, AVellington, 2nd August, 1870. I have the honor to inform you that, as Mr. Hall has completed three voyages to San Francisco and back, I have consented to pay to him a further sum of £500 on account of the £2,000 guarantee, which, with £500 previously paid, will make half the total guarantee. This further payment, however, is not to be made unless the " AVonga AVonga" arrive at Auckland from Sydney, en route for Honolulu; and should she so arrive, I shall feel obliged by your making arrangements for payment of the money. I have, _c, The Hon. Dr. Pollen, Auckland. Julius Vogel.

No. 13. The Hon. Dr. Pollen to the Hon. J. Vogel. General Government Offices, Sic, — Auckland, 9th August, 1870. I have the honor to acknowledge the receipt of your letter of date 2nd August instant, and to inform you that the " Wonga Wonga" having arrived from Sydney, en route to Honolulu, I have made arrangement with the Bank of New Zealand for the payment of £500 to Mr. H. H. Hall in Sydney as you directed. I enclose copy of my letter to the Manager of the Bank, and of the advice to Mr. Hall. I have, &c, The Hon. the Postmaster-General, Daniel Pollen, Wellington. Agent, General Government.

Enclosure 1 in No. 13. The Hon. Dr. Pollen to the Manages, Bank of New Zealand. General Government Offices, Sib, — Auckland, Bth August, 1870. I have been directed by Mr. Vogel to request that you will remit the sum of £500 to Sydney for payment, in the usual course, to Mr. 11. H. Hall, the contractor for the San Francisco Mail Service, this being the second instalment (making one-half) of the sum of £2,000 agreed to be advanced to make up the amount of contributions from other Colonies to the subsidy of the line. I have, &c, The Manager, Bank of New Zealand, Daniel Pollen, Auckland. Agent, General Government.

Enclosure 2 in No. 13. The Hon. Dr. Pollen to Mr. H. H. Hall. General Government Offices, Sic, — Auckland, Bth August, 1870. I have the honor to inform you that the sum of £500 has, by direction of the Hon. tho Postmaster-General, been remitted through the Bank of New Zealand for payment to you in the usual course, this being the second instalment (making one-half) of the sum of £2,000 agreed to be advanced to make up the amount of contributions from other Colonies to the subsidy of the Californian, New Zealand, and Australian Mail Service. I have, &c, H. H. Hall, Esq , U.S. Consul, Daniel Pollen, Sydney, N.S. AVales. Agent, General Government.