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P.—No. 8.



races to their claims. The amount of new ground rendered available for mining would be very considerable ; a thousand more miners could set to work at once (if water was to be had), in addition to the population already there. Ido not think the people would give any monetary assistance in carrying out this scheme, because they have not the means ; but I feel sure they would find a certain proportion of the labor, provided those who thus contributed were guarateed a certain quantity of water at a reduced rate. I estimated the cost of the race and reservoir at £15,000 ; of this the miners would probably contribute £3,000 in labor, leaving the actual cost to the Government £12,000. Say 60 heads of water were brought in, half might be readily let for six days a week of 24 hours each, for £4 per sluice head, the other half might be given to those who had assisted in constructing the race, for three years, at the reduced rental of 10s. per head (24 hours per day) per week, producing together a return of £135 per week, or £7,020 per annum for the first three years. This is a very moderate calculation, as most of the large races in California, although comparatively useless now, recouped the cost of construction during the first 18 months after they were finished. I have made the above calculation for 00 heads, but if there was a demand for more, a hundred heads could be brought in with very little additional expense. Mining and farming have been extensively combined in Otago, and I believe the facility with which good agricultural land can be obtained would attract many of the best class of miners in the neighboring colonies to come here and settle, provided there was a chance of finding payable ground for their sons and relatives to mine. Lowther Broad.

No. 19. His Honor J. Macandrew to Hon. W. Gisborne. Sir, — Superintendent's Office, Dunedin, 22nd July, 1871. I have the honor to forward herewith for your favorable consideration resolution passed by Provincial Council of Otago on the subject of gold fields water supply in the District of Dunstan, Mount Ida, and Tuapeka; also, resolution with respect to the application of a portion of the Public Works Loan to the drainage and improvement of land. I have, Ac, The Hon. the Colonial Secretary, J. Macandrew, Wellington. Superintendent.

Enclosure 1 in No. 19. GOLD FIELDS WATER SUPPLY. That this Council, in accordance with Part 111. of " The Immigration and Public Works Act 1870," desires to recommend, under the provisions of the said Act, that the following works be without delay initiated for water supply on the gold fields, with a view to their construction under subsidy or rate of interest on the amount expended :— 1. Head race from Coal Creek to Bannockburn Ranges, Dunstan District. 2. Head race from the Little Kyeburn to the working above Naseby, to be used as flushing water; Mount Ida District. 3. Reservoir in the Tuapeka Basin, Tuapeka District, and such works as may be deemed advisable by the Government. That a respectful address be presented to His Honor the Superintendent, requesting him to forward the foregoing resolution to the General Government. (Mr. Haughton.) Passed the Provincial Council, 13th July, 1871. Charles Smith, John B. Gillies, Clerk of Council. Speaker.

Enclosure 2 in No. 19. DRAINAGE AND IMPROVEMENT OF LAND. Ist. That in the opinion of this Council it is desirable that the attention of the General Assembly should be directed to the Acts of the Imperial Legislature, intituled " The Lands Improvement Company's Act, 1853 ;" "The Scottish Drainage and Improvement Company's Act, 1865 ;" and "The Scottish Drainage and Improvement Company's Amendment Act, 1860," with a view of obtaining an Act of the Assembly under which similar provisions for the drainage and improvement of lands in the various Provinces of New Zealand deshing to adopt the same to those contained in the above mentioned Acts, may be made available to any company or person willing to undertake and assist in the execution of any such works. 2nd. That this Council is of opinion that it is desirable to encourage the improvement of agricultural lands throughout the Colonyr, and, with that view, would respectfully recommend that a sum of £100,000 of the proposed loan should be made available for that purpose; such sum to be advanced on loan to persons who may be desirous of effecting improvements of a permanent and reproductive character, upon terms and under conditions similar to those contained in the above mentioned Acts ; the principal and interest to be made a first charge on the property or properties upon which the money is to be expended, and to be made repayable by annual instalments until both are repaid. 3rd. That His Honor the Superintendent be requested to take such steps as he may consider necessary to give effect to the above resolutions. (Provincial Secretary). Passed the Provincial Council, 13th July, 1871. Chas. Smith, . John B. Gillies, Clerk of Council. Speaker.