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D.—No. 6h.

INVERCARGILL TO MATAURA. No. 1. Mr. Brunton to the Hon. W. Gisborne. Sir,- — Princes Street, Dunedin, 28th February, 1871. I have the honor to forward, accompanying this, plan, section, and estimate of that section of the Otago Southern Trunk Railway situated between Invercargill and the Mataura River. It is rarely that the natural features of a country are so favourable to railway construction as this is; and it is with every confidence that I state a good single line, 3 feet 6 inch gauge, with the necessar}- sidings, &c, can be made and equipped for £2,500 per mile, including a substantial bridge over the Mataura River. It will be seen that I have crossed the Mataura at the Gore township and not at the Falls. There is no question but that, from the formation of the country between these two places and the Clutha, a line of railway, when brought from the latter place to tho Mataura, will have to come to or near this point. The steepest inclination is 1 in 71; the sharpest curve is 12 chains radius. I have based my calculations on using in all structures such as bridges and culverts, the best Tasmanian blue gum, as far more durable than our indigenous timber suitable for bridge work. Indeed, the length of its durability, if properly fixed, experience has not yet ascertained. Using stone or brick in these structures would add largely to expense. Good clean gravel for ballast can be obtained on the whole length of the line. The two heaviest cuttings, at 20 miles 45 chains, and 28 miles 20 chains, respectively, will principally be through such material. Sleepers will be of totara, sawn, and free from sapwood. Similar sleepers have been in use seven years on the Invercargill and Bluff Railway, and are at present perfectly sound. I have estimated the prices of rolling stock and permanent way materials from English prices of latest date, adding ample for cost of transit to Invercargill. The line passes through— Miles chains. Land reserved for Government purposes ... ... ... ... 5 33 Purchased by Australian aud New Zealand Land Company ... ... 22 79 Owned by small settlers ... ... ... ... ... 11 68 40 20 The Australian and New Zealand Land Company, I believe, have notified their intention to Government of giving the land required for this railway without charge, leaving land for making 11 miles 68 chains of railway to be negotiated for (commencing at 1 mile 4 chains and terminating at 10 miles 46 chains, and again at 36 miles 48 chains and terminating at 38 miles 74 chains) —about 94 acres —very little of which is otherwise than in its original state. I have placed £1,000 on the estimates for this purpose, but have confidence that this amount will exceed that required when arrangements with landholders shall have been made. Until negotiations are concluded with owners of land, it is impossible to state accurately the amount of accommodation required by them in respect to level crossings. On tho Australian and New Zealand Land Company's p»operty, a distance of 22 miles 79 chains, I have estimated for nine, exclusive of public roads, and have the honor to attach copy of letter received from their representatives in this Province in respect to the same; and I am of opinion that the number over the whole line that are provided will be found to be adequate for the requirements, and satisfactory to the owners of property through which the lino passes. I have, &c, The Hon. tho Colonial Secretary, AVellington. Wm. Brunton, C.E.

Enclosure 1 in No. 1. Messrs. Gray, Russell, and Co. to Mr. Brunton. New Zealand and Australian Land Company (Limited), Sir,—' Dunedin, 7th March, 1871. AVe are favoured with your letter of this date, and have to reply that we will be quite satisfied with the nine occupation level crossings provided by you on the proposed Invercargill and Mataura Railway for the Company's use, as approved of by Mr. Brydone —it being understood that, in the event of the Company desiring to alter the position of any of the crossings, it will be acceded to. Yours, &c, George Gray, Russell, and Co., W. Brunton, Esq., C.E. Agents.