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D—<No. 6f.

against the district or districts through which the branch line of railway may be constructed, and that power be given to defray the deficiency of guarantee (if any) by the levy of an assessment or assessments over the districts for that purpose. (Mr. Sumpter.) Passed the Provincial Council, 27th June, 1871. Chas. Smith, Clerk of Council. Jno. G. Gillies, Speaker.

Enclosure 5 in No. 11. To the Honourable the Provincial Council of the Province of Otago, The Memorial of the undersigned, Residents of Tuapeka and other Places in the Province of Otago: Humbly Sheweth, — That your Memorialists have learned with satisfaction that the Government intend topromote the construction of the Otago Southern Trunk Railway. Your Memorialists respectfully submit that in conjunction with the proposed line a branch line in connection therewith, as far as the Township of Lawrence, would be eminently desirable and tend greatly to make the main line directly reproductive. Your Memorialists submit the following grounds in favour of the above suggestion, namely :— 1. The traffic between Tuapeka and Dunedin is at present greatly in excess of that between Balclutha and Dunedin. 2. If such a line were constructed, all the traffic between the greater portion of the Otago gold fields and Dunedin, which at present is chiefly carried round by a difficult, tedious, and lengthened route, would be diverted to Lawrence and be carried along the railway line. 3. The proposed branch line would not exceed twenty miles in length, and presents no engineering difficulties of any magnitude, and might therefore be constructed at a small cost. 4. It would pass through country all of which is well suited for settlement, and which is at present being rapidly occupied. 5. The land for the site of the proposed line is still in possession of the Crown, and the difficulty and cost of treating with private proprietors would not occur. 6. The great difficulty that would accrue upon the maintenance of the main line of road from the entire absence of suitable material would render the maintenance very costly and inefficient. 7. It has been conceded by all engineers acquainted with the gold fields that the route by way of Tuapeka is the natural highway to the interior of Otago, and that which any railway hereafter constructed must necessarily follow. Your Memorialists would respectfully draw your attention to the Statistics and Papers published from time to time by the Government of Otago, which, if examined, will furnish much of the necessary information and will conclusively substantiate the statements of your Memorialists. Your Memorialists have learned with satisfaction that the gauge on which railways are to be constructed in the Colony is to be established at 3 feet 6 inches, which would put the Government in a position to construct the proposed line to Tuapeka, as well as the line to Balclutha, at a probable cost for the whole not exceeding £365,000. Your Memorialists therefore pray that your Honourable Council will authorize the construction of the railway to Lawrence, in conjunction with the Southern Trunk Railway, and take such steps as to your wisdom may seem best, to include the line to Tuapeka in the guarantee already provided for the remainder of the Otago Southern Trunk Railway. And your Petitioners will ever pray. [Here follow 466 signatures.]